Doubly magic properties in superheavy nuclei

来源 :中国物理C | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ZWDragon
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A systematic study of global properties of superheavy nuclei in the framework of the Liquid Drop Model and the Strutinsky shell correction method is performed. The evolution equilibrium deformations, TRS graphs and α-decay energies are calculated using the TRS model. The analysis covers a wide range of even-even superheavy nuclei from Z =102 to 122. Magic numbers and their observable influence occurring in this region have been investigated. Shell closures appear at proton number Z =114 and at neutron number N =184. A systematic study of global properties of superheavy nuclei in the framework of the Liquid Drop Model and the Strutinsky shell correction method performed. The evolution equilibrium deformations, TRS graphs and α-decay energies are calculated using the TRS model. The analysis covers a wide range of even-even superheavy nuclei from Z = 102 to 122. Magic numbers and their observability occurring in this region have been investigated. Shell closures appear at proton number Z = 114 and at neutron number N = 184.
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