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2000年7月12日,某服装公司与东莞市某大厦职工林某协商约定:由林等人负责修整申请人铺面的天花板,林等人自带工具,自购钢板、角铁等材料,完工后由服装公司支付劳务费与材料费1802元,林锦华等人开具发票。7月12日晚,在施工过程中林某触电死亡。服装公司与林某没有签订劳动合同。有人认为林某是服装公司临时雇佣的电工,林的行为实际是职工的业余兼职劳动,根据原劳动部办公厅《关于职工从事业余兼职劳动发生劳动争议如何处理的复函》(劳办发[1995]209号)的规定,应当认定工伤。劳动部门认定:服装公司将损坏的天花板交由林某等人修整,林某等人自带工具和修整材料,独自完成修整天花板工作,交付劳动成果后,经申请人验收合格后才收取报酬,并开具服务业发票,符合《合同法》有关承揽合同的规定。林某与服装公司既未订立劳动合同,也没有形成事实的隶属关系,因此双方不是事实劳动关系而是承揽关系。原劳动部办公厅《关于职工从事业余兼职劳动发生劳动争议如何处理的复函》(劳办发[1995]209号)是关于受理劳动争议问题的复函,不能作为认定工伤的依据,而且无证据证明某大厦同意林锦华兼职。根据《劳动法》第二条以及《广东省社会工伤保险条例》第二条、第七条,林某触电死亡事故不属工伤。 July 12, 2000, a clothing company and a building in Dongguan City Lin agreed to negotiate: Lin, who is responsible for trimming the ceiling of the applicant pavement, Lin and others own tools, since the purchase of steel, angle iron and other materials, completed After the clothing company to pay labor costs and materials costs 1802 yuan, Lin Jinhua, who invoiced. On the evening of July 12, Lin electrocuted in the construction process. Clothing company and Lin did not sign a labor contract. Some people think that Lin is an apprentice temporarily employed clothing company, Lin actually acts as amateur part-time workers, according to the General Office of Labor, “on the part-time work of workers engaged in labor disputes how to deal with the reply letter” 1995] No. 209), the injured person should be found. The labor department finds that the clothing company handed over damaged ceilings to Lin Mou and others for trimming, Lin et al. Brought tools and finishing materials, finished the work of finishing ceilings alone, delivered the labor results, and paid the remuneration only after the applicant passed the inspection. And issued a service invoice, in line with “Contract Law” contract contract. Lin and clothing company neither entered into a labor contract, nor formed a factual affiliation, so the two sides are not factual labor relations but contract relationship. The Reply of the General Office of Labor of the Ministry of Labor on How to Handle Labor Disputes over Part-time Part-time Employees (Lao Ban Fa [1995] No. 209) is a reply letter regarding the acceptance of labor disputes and can not be used as the basis for the identification of work-related injuries. Evidence that a building agree with Lin Jinhua part-time. According to Article 2 of the “Labor Law” and Article 2 and Article 7 of the “Guangdong Provincial Social Welfare Insurance Regulations”, Lin's death from electric shock is not an industrial injury.
血清唾液酸 (SA)在癌症患者中作为诊断标志物 ,近几年来已愈来愈受到临床工作者的广泛重视 ,国内外已有不少报告。我们为了更进一步提高癌症的诊断阳性率和准确性 ,通过与血浆
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