用金黄地鼠建立大肠杆菌内毒素休克模型,同时观察休克前后动脉压及颊囊微循环的变 化。可见动脉压下降,微动脉口径缩小,血流变缓。并发现丁基东莨菪碱可减轻正常地鼠颊囊由于局部施用去甲肾上腺素引起的微动脉收缩及血流障碍。
The model of E. coli endotoxin shock was established with golden hamster, and the arterial pressure and microcirculation of cheek pouch were observed before and after shock. Arterial blood pressure can be seen decreased arteriolar diameter, blood flow becomes slow. And found that butyl scopolamine can reduce the normal mouse cheek pouch due to local administration of norepinephrine induced arteriolar contraction and blood flow disorders.