
来源 :广东公安科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qianxiaoping
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新的时期对公安机关信息化建设提出了新的要求。信息化越来越成为服务公安中心工作不可或缺的一项重要手段,如何做好新时期信息化建设也成为公安机关各部门共同关注的问题。作为公安重要基层基础工作之一的监管工作因为其特有的工作性质和模式,更是需要信息化作为有力的支撑。中山市公安局强制隔离戒毒所创新思路,立足新起点,强力推进信息主导监管工作战略,建立了以监控为主体的安全防范体系、以戒毒所信息管理系统为主体的信息化办公体系,各项信息化应用日臻成熟,全所信息化建设走在了全国监所的前列。然而监所信息化建设的工作任重道远,如何进一步做好新时期下的信息化建设仍需要广大民警结合工作实际进行深层次的思考。 The new period put forward new requirements for the informatization of public security organs. Informationization has become an indispensable means of serving the work of public security centers. How to do a good job of information construction in the new period has also become a common concern of public security organs and departments. Regulatory work as one of the basic grassroots work of public security requires informationization as a strong support because of its unique nature and mode of work. Zhongshan Public Security Bureau forced isolation of drug treatment innovation ideas, based on a new starting point, and vigorously promote the information-driven supervision of the work strategy, the establishment of a surveillance-based security system to drug rehabilitation center information management system as the main information office system, the The application of information is maturing, the entire information construction walk in the forefront of the National Institute of supervision. However, there is still a long way to go in the work of superintendence information construction. How to further improve the informatization construction in the new period still requires a lot of civilian police to conduct deep thinking in light of the actual work.
【正】 我这次来北京参加史学史学术座谈会的唯一目的,本是向到会的专家先生们学习。但承白寿彝先生之嘱,要我做个中国史学史研究和培养史学史研究生问题的发言,又不便有所推