年年岁岁望春归,岁岁年年忙春运。在明媚的春光悄然来临之际,我们走访了上海向世界开放的最大窗口——上海虹桥机场海关。 海关旅检大厅,操着各种语言的外国旅客,讲着各种方言的华侨、港、澳、台同胞,轻松自如地分别在标有“海关”字样的红色和绿色通道前,鱼贯而过,快捷通关。在这里,没有人员的拥塞,没有过去司空见惯的“人龙”。一切都是在宽松、和谐、快捷、方便的氛围中进行。一位来自澳大利亚的老华侨感慨系之;我到过几十个国家,上海虹桥机场海关的通关环节是最简
Years old look forward to spring return, year after year busy year. As the bright spring came quietly, we visited Shanghai’s biggest window to the world - Shanghai Hongqiao Airport Customs. The customs hall is full of foreign tourists who speak various languages. The overseas Chinese, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots who speak various dialects are able to pass through the red and green lanes marked with the word “customs” in a relaxed manner. Fast customs clearance. Here, there is no congestion of personnel and there is no “dragon” that was commonplace in the past. Everything is done in a relaxed, harmonious, quick and convenient atmosphere. An overseas Chinese from Australia feels deeply concerned; I have visited dozens of countries and the customs clearance at Shanghai Hongqiao Airport is the simplest.