加强管理 完善住院医师轮转制

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住院医师系统性轮转是提高住院医师业务素质的基本途径和提高医疗质量的重要环节,也是医院发展的主要内涵。为了使新分配到医院工作的医学毕业生扩大知识面,更好地系统掌握本学科的基础理论和基本技能,必须结合医院实际情况,对新分配来院的第一年毕业的住院医师进行系统性的轮转,原则上先定大科,然后安排各系统二级科室轮转。随着医院医疗改革不断深化,现有的一套分散管理的临床住院医师轮转制和其管理方式已不能适应目前医院的发展,现就此问题进行探讨。 1 临床住院医师轮转存在的不足 1.1 管理不完善,缺乏统一管理。临床住院医师轮转的管理只是在简单的接收、安排等低层次上转圈,而不能在临床发展需求、科研等高层次上进行探索,管理方式也比较松散,学科管理也无专管 The systematic rotation of resident doctors is an important way to improve the quality of resident medical services and improve the quality of medical services. It is also the main connotation of hospital development. In order to expand the knowledge level of medical graduates newly assigned to hospital work and to better master the basic theories and basic skills of the discipline, it is necessary to systematically allocate the newly assigned resident physicians who come to the hospital in the first year in accordance with the actual conditions of the hospital. The rotation will, in principle, be determined first by major subjects, and then the secondary departments of each system will be rotated. With the continuous deepening of medical reforms in hospitals, the existing rotating system of decentralized management of clinical residents and their management methods have been unable to adapt to the current development of the hospital. We are now discussing this issue. 1 The deficiencies in the rotation of clinical resident physicians 1.1 Inadequate management and lack of unified management. The management of rotation of clinical resident physicians is only at the low level of simple reception, arrangement, etc., and cannot be explored at the high level of clinical development needs, scientific research, etc. The management method is also relatively loose, and the management of disciplines is not regulated.
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