
来源 :中南药学(用药与健康) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenchen19880908
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(本刊讯)7月8日上午,在湖南永州道县洪塘营瑶族乡和平小学,湖南中医学大学杏林烛光支教队2016年暑期“三下乡”支教活动举行了启动仪式,湖南中医学大学药学院教研室李雅副教授,道县财政局、教育局、卫计委等有关领导及我社品牌运营总监吴尚龙出席了启动仪式。此次活动,由湖南中医学大学 (Ben Kanxun) On the morning of July 8, a ceremony was held in the Summer Primary School of Hongzhao Township, Hongtangying, Yongzhou County, Hunan Province, and the candlelight supportive teaching team of Xinglin Candidatory of Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the summer of 2016. The launching ceremony was held in Hunan Associate Professor Li Ya, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, School of Medicine, Dao County Finance Bureau, Education Bureau, Health Planning Commission and other relevant leaders and our brand operation director Wu Shanglong attended the launching ceremony. The event, from Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
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分析了构建网络期刊的基础、功能、设计及原则,关注网络传播条件下期刊的发展,并探讨网络期刊的编辑策略。 It analyzes the foundation, function, design and principle o
The effects of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase inhibitor apocynin on the enhanced hypoxia induced factor-1α (HIF-1α) and endotheli
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