
来源 :采矿与安全工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kar123
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针对神东浅埋煤层关键层垮落容易造成大面积来压和动力灾害的问题,文章系统分析了关键层在工作面推进过程中的破坏过程及垮落机理。数值模拟结果表明,随着工作面的推进,关键层首先在跨中下表面受拉区发生屈服破坏,工作面中部煤壁前方关键层上表面受拉区发生屈服,并进一步沿煤壁延伸形成“O”型破裂带,与关键层下表面不断向四角延伸的受拉破坏区所形成的“X”型破坏带组合成大的“O-X”型破坏带。与弹性薄板理论相比,两者的开裂顺序不同,但最终的破坏形式相同。覆岩与关键层间保持同步变形,且随关键层一同垮落,失稳前挠度明显增加。关键层的失稳形式主要为沿“X”型破裂带发生屈曲失稳和沿“O”型破裂带发生沿煤壁的切落失稳,后者来压更为剧烈。 In order to solve the problem that the collapse of the key stratum in the shallowly-buried coal seam in Shendong County is likely to cause large-area compressive and dynamic disasters, the paper systematically analyzes the failure process and the collapse mechanism of the key stratum in the process of advancing the working face. Numerical simulation results show that with the advancement of the work surface, the key layer is first subjected to yield failure in the tension zone across the mid-lower surface, yielding on the upper surface of the key layer in front of the coal wall in the middle of the work face and further extending along the coal wall “O ” type rupture zone, combined with the “X ” type destruction zone formed by the tensile failure zone extending to the lower corners of the key layer into a large “OX” type destruction zone. Compared with the elastic thin plate theory, the cracking order of the two is different, but the final destruction is the same. The overlying strata and the key strata maintain synchronous deformation, and collapse along with the key strata, the deflection before instability increases obviously. The main failure modes of the key layers are buckling instability along the “X” type rupture zone and destabilization of the coal wall along the “O” type rupture zone, with the latter being more violently pressured.
我公司2 500 t/d水泥生产线于2010年3月投产运行,石灰石预均化堆棚配置型号YDQ800/500/80,取料能力为500 t/h,配有轨道直径为80 m的圆堆取料机。自投产以来,取料机故障频发,
【摘要】 “魅力”一词在英语中译为charm,也可以译为attraction,指的是power of pleasing。教师魅力可以激发学生学习的积极性和主动性。通过10多年的亲身实践,笔者认为中学英语教师之魅力应该体现在教师的人格魅力、学识魅力和授课艺术魅力。  【关键词】 中学英语 教学方式 激励学生 教师魅力  【中图分类号】G451【文献标识码】 A【文章编号】 1006-5962
In order to understand the long-standing problem of the nature of glass states, we perform intensive simulations on the thermodynamic properties and potential e
本刊为半月刊,大16开本,每期正文64页,公开发行,各地邮局均可订阅,也可直接向本刊发行部订购。国际标准连续出版物号ISSN 1001-991X,国内统一连续出版物号CN 21-1169/S,邮发
摘 要:随着我国逐渐走向国际化,加入世贸组织、申奥成功、奥运成功举办等在我国发生的一系列国际盛事,再加上我国经济在全球性金融危机背景下良好的表现以及处理国际事务上处处表现出的大国风范,英语作为交流的最重要渠道在其中的作用不言而喻,因此近年来全国上下掀起一阵又一阵学英语的热潮。那么轰轰烈烈之后我们看到了什么呢?目前,一种新的教育实践,正在涌动21世纪中国教育改革的浪潮。这种新的教育思想、教育哲学