1994年9月25日至10月13日,建设部城建档案工作考察团一行13人赴美国西雅图、旧金山、纽约、华盛顿、洛杉矶等城市进行了访问和考察。笔者参加了本次考察活动,为了与城市建设工作者以及城建档案同行们作些交流,特择要纪实如下: 一、城市印象 美国是一个经济高度发达的国家,且经历了两百多年和平建设,其城市已发育到较高的水平。作为城建档案工作者,同时也是城市建设工作者,我们对美国城市建设亦抱有浓厚的考察兴趣。如果包括顺道作短暂停留的贝乐佛、蒙特利、费城、巴尔地摩等4个城市在内,这一次我们到过的美国大、中、小城市共有9个。这
From September 25, 1994 to October 13, 13 people from the Ministry of Construction visited the cities of Seattle, San Francisco, New York, Washington, Los Angeles and other cities for investigation. The author participated in the inspection activities, in order to make some exchanges with urban construction workers and urban construction archives colleagues, special record to be as follows: First, the city impression The United States is a highly economically developed country, and has experienced two hundred years of peace Construction, the city has developed to a higher level. As urban construction archivists and also urban construction workers, we also have a keen interest in urban construction in the United States. If you include the four cities of Bel Air, Montpellier, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, including the short stopover, this time we have visited 9 large, medium and small cities in the United States. This