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中華人民共和國國務院命令市鎮糧食定量供應暫行辦法,已於一九五五年八月五日經國務院全體會議第十七次會議通過,现予發佈,希認真貫徹執行,並須注意下列事項: 一、市鎮糧食定量供應暫行辦法,在各省、自治區、直轄市的轄區內,可以分批施行,也可以同時施行。其具體施行日期,由省、自治區、直轄市人民委員會根据工作條件,在一九五五年九月一日至十一月三十日的期間内自行决定。二、市鎮居民按照本辦法第十六條的規定應持糧票購買的掛麵、切麵、米粉、年糕等糧食複製品,在市鎮糧食定量供應暫行辦法實施的同時即憑糧票購買;其他米飯、麵食等熟食品何時實行憑糧票購買辦法,另以命令發佈。三、农村居民來往於實行糧食定量供應的市鎮購買熟食品時,可暫時不憑地方糧票或全國通用糧票,何時開始實行憑糧票購買辦法,另以命令發佈。四、乘坐火車輪船的旅客,在車船中用餐,可不憑糧票購買。總理周恩來一九五五年八月二十五日 The Interim Measures by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China for Ordering Quantitative Provision of Municipal Foodstuffs was approved by the 17th meeting of the plenary meeting of the State Council on August 5, 1955 and is hereby promulgated. It is hoped that the Provisional Regulations will be implemented with due care and shall pay attention to the following matters: I. Interim Measures for Quantitative Provision of Municipal Foodstuffs may be implemented in batches or simultaneously in the areas under the jurisdiction of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government. The specific implementation date shall be determined by the people’s committees of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government according to the conditions of work during the period from September 1 to November 30, 1955. 2. In accordance with the provisions of Article 16 of these Measures, urban residents shall purchase food grain noodles, noodles, rice noodles, rice cakes and other food replicas purchased by food stamps at the same time as the implementation of the interim measures for the quantitative provision of grain in cities and towns; Rice, pasta and other cooked foods with food stamps to buy ways, the other ordered the release. 3. When rural residents purchase foodstuffs for food and drink in cities and towns where the supply of foodstuffs is rationed, rural residents may temporarily issue food stamps instead of local food stamps or national food stamps. Fourth, take the passenger train ferry, dining in the vehicle, not by food stamps to buy. Premier Zhou Enlai August 25, 1955
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