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[案情回放]1999年秋季,齐老伯与郊外独山子村村民张某达成房屋买卖协议。双方约定:张某将自家三间平房及前后大院以98000元出售给齐老伯。然而,在办理房屋产权过户更名手续时,当地房屋产权管理部门依据相关法律规定,以齐老伯并非是张某同一村民组织成员为由,拒绝为其办理过户手续。不过,张某与齐老伯达成协议,房屋由齐老伯居住,以后法律许可时才过户。到了2013年初,齐老伯这三间平房价值约50万元。看着翻了好几倍的房价,张某于2013年3月以双方房屋买卖违法为由,向法院起诉要求确认双方签订的房屋买卖协议无效,并将该 [Case Return] In autumn 1999, Qi Qi and villagers in the Dushanzi suburb Zhang reached a house sale agreement. The two sides agreed: Zhang will own three cottage and before and after the compound for 98,000 yuan sold to the old man. However, when handling the procedures for changing the name of the property ownership of a house, the local property management department of the house refused to handle the transfer procedure on the grounds that Qi Lao Bo was not a member of the same villager’s organization on the basis of the relevant laws and regulations. However, Zhang and Qi Laobo reached an agreement, the house by the Qi old man to live, after the law only when the transfer. By the beginning of 2013, Qi Boss three cottages worth about 500,000 yuan. Looked turned several times the price, Zhang in March 2013 both to the illegal trading of both houses on the grounds that the prosecution of the court required to confirm the two sides signed the agreement for the sale of housing and void the
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