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洗澡是人们日常生活里不可缺少的事,尤其是夏天或是劳动之后,身上爱出汗,如果能用温水冲冲身体,那真是再舒服不过的事了. 洗澡的最大好处是能清洁皮肤,冲洗掉皮肤表面的灰尘、脏物、细菌和脱落的皮屑,让皮肤保持微酸性,从而增强杀灭细菌的能力。洗澡还能舒筋活络,调节神经功能,有镇静、安眠、止痛和解除疲劳等作用。不过,洗澡也要讲科学,要会洗澡。也许有人会说,洗澡还有什么可说的?其实,有些事还真得提醒大家注意,否则,洗澡 Bathing is an indispensable part of people’s daily life, especially in the summer or after work, who love to sweat, if you can wash the body with warm water, then it is no longer uncomfortable thing .Bathing the biggest advantage is to clean the skin, rinse Dust, dirt, bacteria and shed dander on the skin surface, leaving the skin slightly acidic, thus enhancing the ability to kill bacteria. Bathing also Shujin active, regulate nerve function, there is calm, sleep, pain and relieve fatigue and so on. However, bathing should also talk about science, should take a bath. Some people may say that there is nothing to take a bath? In fact, some things really have to remind everyone to pay attention, otherwise, take a bath
实验室试验证明,氯化磷酸三钠溶液在有效氯浓度为100mg/L时,作用4分钟可杀灭细菌繁殖体;250mg/L时,作用15分钟可杀灭细菌芽胞。 Laboratory tests show that the chlorinate
目的 分析重症监护病房(ICU)建立人工气道机械通气患者肺部感染碳青霉烯类抗菌药物耐药肺炎克雷伯菌(CRKP)的临床特征及相关影响因素,为临床防止肺炎克雷伯菌感染提供理论依
目的 探讨磁共振波谱成像(MRS)检测的N-乙酰天冬氨酸/肌酸(NAA/Cr)和弥散加权成像(DWI)测定的相对表观扩散系数(rADC)变化与自发性脑出血(SICH)患者二次脑损伤(SBI)发生和预
目的 分析血清D-乳酸和肠脂肪酸结合蛋白(I-FABP)与重症监护病房(ICU)患者病情严重程度及预后的关系.方法 采用回顾性研究方法,对本课题组前期发表的一项评估经脂肪改良的肠