Arithmetic Sequences and Geometric Sequences

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An arithmetic sequence is a sequence of numberseach of which,after the first,is obtained by addingto the preceding number a constant number calledthe common difference.Thus 3,7,11,15,19,…is an arithmeticsequence because each term is obtained by adding 4to the preceding number.In the arithmetic sequence50,45,40,…the common difference is 45-50=40-45=-5.General formulas for arithmetic sequencesinclude:the nth term a_n=a_1+(n-1)d,and the sum of the first n terms An arithmetic sequence is a sequence of numbers ofachth which, after the first, is obtained by addingto the preceding number a constant number calledthe common difference.Thus 3,7,11,15,19, ... is an arithmetic sequence because each term is obtained by adding 4to the preceding number.In arithmetic sequence50, 45, 40, ... the common difference is 45-50 = 40-45 = -5.General formulas for arithmetic sequencesinclude: the nth term a_n = a_1 + (n-1) and the sum of the first n terms
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