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作为一个已经被放弃的项目,印度历时多年研制的“阿琼”坦克竟然起死回生,获得了军方124辆坦克的订单。印度国防部近日宣布,“阿琼”主战坦克将正式投入批量生产,陆续进入印度陆军服役。此话一出,引起了世界各国的广泛关注。印度“阿琼”坦克的发展实际上是印度国防工业的缩影,我们可从其中看到印度国防工业发展的脉络。 As an abandoned project, India's “Arjun” tank, which was developed for many years, has even revived the order and has won 124 orders from the military. Indian Defense Ministry recently announced that “Arjun” main battle tanks will be formally put into mass production, one after another into the Indian Army service. This remark came out, aroused widespread concern in all countries in the world. The development of India's “Arjun” tank is actually a microcosm of India's defense industry. From this we can see the development of Indian defense industry.
瑞典卡罗林斯卡研究院10月3日宣布,2005年度诺贝尔生理学或医学奖(简称诺贝尔医学奖)授予两名澳大利亚科学家,现年54岁的Barry J.Marshall与68岁的J.Robin Warren,以表彰他们发现
Digestive tract hemorrhage is a common disease of the digestive system, but about 0.4%-5% intestinal bleeding can not be detected with gastroscope or colonscop
PURPOSE: Colonoscopy can be painful for patients and difficult for colonoscopists; however, it is hard to predict how painful or difficult the examination will
目的 :查明陕西延安地区是否为肾综合征出血热 ( HFRS)自然疫源地及新疫区。方法 :选择有疫情报告地区 ,进行人间疫情调查、健康人群特异性抗体检测 ;鼠间疫情调查在调查点野
对非典型肺炎 (atypicalpneumonia ,AP)及其相关的问题 ,需明确 :( 1)AP不是刚被认识的疾病 ;( 2 )引起AP病原体十分复杂 ;( 3 )国外早有多系列报告记载在相对封闭人群中小规