布病在吉林省流行历史较久,危害严重.为了解本省近10年布病疫情动态和进一步完善防制措施提供科学依据,现将1982~1991年全省布病疫情态势分析如下。一、疫情态势 (一)畜间疫情 1.感染率:1982~1991年全省共血清学检查羊、牛、猪、鹿、犬、马等家畜4294301头(只),检出阳性家畜2782头(只),平均血清学阳性率0.06%。在此期间以1982年最高,阳性率0.23%;1991年最低,阳性率为0.003%。其中血检羊3118169只,阳
The prevalence of brucellosis in Jilin Province is relatively long and the epidemic is very serious. In order to provide a scientific basis for understanding the epidemic of brucellosis in the province for the past 10 years and further improving the prevention and control measures, the epidemic situation of brucellosis in the whole province from 1982 to 1991 is analyzed as follows. First, the epidemic situation (a) domestic animal epidemic 1. Infection rate: from 1982 to 1991 the province’s total serological examination of sheep, cattle, pigs, deer, dogs, horses and other livestock 4294301 head (only), detected positive animals 2782 (Only), the average serological positive rate of 0.06%. During this period, the highest in 1982, the positive rate of 0.23%; the lowest in 1991, the positive rate of 0.003%. 3118169 which blood test sheep, Yang