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日常门诊中经常发现这样的现象,由于没有及时发现孩子的心律失常,延误诊断及治疗,导致患儿病情加重、心力衰竭,失去了治疗的有利时机,甚至造成了难以治愈的心脏疾病。心律失常在儿童心血管疾病中较为常见,往往是由一些心脏病引起的。例如:病毒性心肌炎、先天性心脏病、心脏传导系统发育异常、各种心肌病等。还有其它一些因素造成,如药物中毒及电解质紊乱等。我们平时多注意数一下孩子的脉搏或用手触摸孩子的左侧前胸,感觉一下孩子的心跳,如果发现孩子的脉搏心跳过快、过慢或者节律不规则,尽快带孩子去医院就诊。那么,正常儿童的心跳次数应该是多少呢?一般来说,儿童心跳的正常范围:1岁以内80~140次/分钟;1~6岁80~120次/分钟;6岁以上60~100次/分钟。但以上频率应该是在安静状态下,如果孩子活动或参加体肯锻炼后,心跳可以明显加快。 Often found in the daily clinic such phenomenon, the absence of timely detection of children’s arrhythmia, delay in diagnosis and treatment, leading to exacerbations of children, heart failure, lost the favorable opportunity for treatment, and even caused a difficult to cure heart disease. Arrhythmias are more common in childhood cardiovascular disease and are often caused by heart attacks. For example: viral myocarditis, congenital heart disease, cardiac conduction system dysplasia, a variety of cardiomyopathy. There are other factors, such as drug poisoning and electrolyte imbalance. We usually pay more attention to counting the child’s pulse or touching the child’s left chest, feel the child’s heartbeat, if you find the child’s pulse heartbeat too fast, too slow or irregular rhythm, take the child to the hospital as soon as possible. So, the number of normal children’s heartbeat frequency should be? In general, the normal range of children’s heartbeats: 1 to 80 years old less than 140 beats / min; 1 to 6 years old 80 to 120 beats / min; 6 years old 60 to 100 times /minute. But the above frequency should be in a quiet state, if the child activities or participate in physical exercise, the heart rate can be significantly accelerated.
比较常用于手性药物拆分的几种色谱分析方法。HPLC仪器普及,在此领域应用较多,而CE较之其他色谱法具有更加突出的优点。 More commonly used in chiral drug resolution of several
3岁的小熙感冒发烧两天了,妈妈发现他的尿尿变得有些混浊,就急忙带他去医院做化验,结果尿蛋白为“++”。令妈妈心焦的是,小熙的蛋白尿是肾的问题还是发烧所致。 Three-year-