春天悄悄地回来了!正是刷房的好季节。陈旧的房间,灰黯的墙壁,该打扫粉刷一新。北方居民一般都有这个生活习惯。刷房的好处很多,是一项技术性工作,但对居民来说也不是很难掌握、高不可攀的事情。只要材料、工具备齐,用心学点粉刷知识,细心操作,就可以刷到好处,收到效益。以下介绍一点刷房的技术: 一、材料:石灰块、洋兰、砂绿、铬黄、朱红、红土子,立德粉和骨胶等材料到化工、建材商店都可以买到。
The spring came back quietly! It was a good season for the house. Old room, ashes on the wall, the paint is freshly painted. Northern residents generally have this lifestyle. The benefits of brushhouses are many and it is a technical job, but it is not difficult for the residents to grasp and can’t be reached. As long as materials and tools are available, learn from the knowledge of brushing and carefully operate, you can brush in on benefits and receive benefits. Here’s a bit of brushhouse technology: 1. Materials: Lime blocks, orchids, sand green, chrome yellow, vermilion, red clay, lithopone and bone glue and other materials to the chemical, building materials stores can buy.