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研究采用17对微卫星分子标记,以黑龙江野鲤(HLJL)作为阳性对照、建鲤(JL)作为阴性对照,对2批采自鸭绿江的鲤鱼(YL1,YL2)进行遗传多样性的分析,对其杂合度等数据进行统计分析,以期通过对鸭绿江野生鲤鱼现存群体的种质鉴定,了解鸭绿江鲤鱼的遗传结构特征、种群历史,为其遗传资源的保护提供较为准确的相关信息和依据。试验结果显示,4个群体检测的有效等位基因数为2.9182~3.0124,平均多态信息含量为0.5728~0.5885,平均观测杂合度为0.5441~0.6563,平均期望杂合度为0.6362~0.6566,说明这几个群体遗传多样性较高。群体间相似系数在0.8747以上,相似性较高。聚类分析显示,HLJL与YL1遗传距离最小,亲缘关系最近。建鲤与其他3个群体的遗传距离较大,亲缘关系较远。证明研究中所分析的2批采自鸭绿江的鲤鱼确系野鲤。 In this study, 17 microsatellite markers were used to analyze the genetic diversity of two common carps (YL1 and YL2) collected from the Yalu River by using HLJL as positive control and Jian carp (JL) as negative control. Their heterozygosity and other data were statistically analyzed in order to understand the genetic structure and population history of the Yalujiang carps by providing germplasm identification of the existing populations of the wild carps in the Yalu River so as to provide more accurate relevant information and basis for the protection of their genetic resources. The results showed that the effective number of alleles detected by the four populations was 2.9182 ~ 3.0124, the average content of polymorphic information was 0.5728 ~ 0.5885, the average observed heterozygosity was 0.5441 ~ 0.6563, the average expected heterozygosity was 0.6362 ~ 0.6566, indicating that these few A group of high genetic diversity. The similarity coefficient of the population is above 0.8747 with high similarity. Cluster analysis showed that the genetic distance between HLJL and YL1 was the smallest and the genetic relationship was the closest. Jian carp and the other three groups of genetic distance larger genetic relationship. Prove that the two groups of carps collected from the Yalu River in the study were indeed wild carps.
Purpose: We tested the psychometric properties of the German version of the King’s Health questionnaire and describe the scoring procedure. Material and Method
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