
来源 :河南省情与统计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:srepair555
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1日 省假日办发布旅游信息简报,数据显示:黄金周第一天,我省景区全线“飘红”。☆省会各界欢欢喜喜庆“五一”。 4日 中国上蔡荣光鞋业集团5条高档布胶鞋生产线剪彩开工,上蔡民营企业年产值超千万的民营企业达到47家,被农业部誉为“国家东西经贸合作典范”。 5日 首届河南曲艺节在巩义市拉开帷幕,副省长贾连朝等出席了开幕式。 On the 1st Provincial Holiday Office issued a tourist information briefing, the data show: the first day of the Golden Week, the province across the board scenic “rosy.” ☆ joyous celebration of “51” by all walks of life in the capital. On April 4, five high-grade cloth shoes production lines in Cai Rongguang Shoes Group in China were cut off. Private enterprises with an annual output of over 10 million in private-owned enterprises in Cai-Cai reached 47 and were honored by the Ministry of Agriculture as “a model for the east-west economic and trade cooperation.” On May 5, the first Henan Quyi Festival was opened in Gongyi City, and Vice Governor Jia Lianchao attended the opening ceremony.
In this work, 16 kinds of [FeCl_4]~--based magnetic ionic liquids(ILs) with different cation structures have been designed and synthesized, and their structures
黄河 ,发源于青海省境内巴颜喀拉山 ,长江发源于唐古拉山。两条大河不但哺育了中华古代文明 ,也正在滋养着中国现代文明。改革开放以来 ,中国人继郑和下西洋后又走出陆地 ,奔
枫叶旗下的沙城是一个美丽、温馨、宁静的城市。沙城的英文名称是Saskatoon,原是印第安语,意为“盛产草莓的地方”,当地华人简称它为沙城。 1906年7月1日建市,当年人口有450
Objective: To compare maternal and neonatal morbidity associated with two methods to extract the impacted fetal head during Cesarean delivery. Study design: We
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