加强林政管理 保护生态环境

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党的“十二五”规划纲要中指出:“加强生态保护和防灾减灾体系建设。坚持保护优先和自然恢复为主,从源头上扭转生态环境恶化趋势。实施重大生态修复工程,巩固天然林保护、退耕还林还草、退牧还草等成果,推进荒漠化、石漠化综合治理,保护好草原和湿地。加快建立生态补偿机制,加强重点生态功能区保护和管理,增强涵养水源、保持水土、防风固沙能力,保护生物多样性”。2011年是“十二五”开局之年。林业生态建设任务繁重,林政资源管理形势面临发展生态与保护生态的严峻挑战。全面贯彻落实中共中央、国务院《关于加快林业发展的决定》对推进林业法制化建设,依法推进林业跨越式发展,强化林政执法提出了更高的要求。为此,森林资源监督管理和林政执法工作就显得尤为重要。为加快林业生态建设步伐,进一步保护林业生态环境,维护林业生态安全,笔者特就资源林政管理工作提出如下意见: In the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” for the Party, it is pointed out: “Strengthening the construction of ecological protection and disaster prevention and mitigation systems, adhering to protection priority and natural recovery as the mainstay, and reversing the deterioration of ecological environment from the source. Implementing major ecological restoration projects, We will consolidate achievements in the protection of natural forests, returning farmland to forests and grasslands and returning grazing land to grasslands, and promote the comprehensive management of desertification and rocky desertification so as to protect grasslands and wetlands. We will speed up the establishment of ecological compensation mechanisms, strengthen the protection and management of key ecological function areas and enhance conservation Water sources, soil and water conservation, wind and sand-fixing capacity, conservation of biodiversity ”. 2011 is the “second five ” the first year. The heavy task of forestry ecological construction, forestry resources management situation facing the development of ecology and ecological protection harsh challenges. Full implementation of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council’s “Decision on Speeding up Forestry Development” put forward higher requirements for promoting the legalization of forestry, promoting forestry development by leaps and bounds, and enforcing forestry law enforcement. To this end, the supervision and management of forest resources and forest law enforcement work is particularly important. In order to speed up the pace of forestry ecological construction, further protect the ecological environment of forestry and safeguard the ecological security of forestry, I hereby put forward the following opinions on the management of forest resources:
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