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现代文阅读是体现语文实际能力的重要窗口之一,因此,高考语文测试也把现代文阅读做为一项重点内容,侧重考查深入理解和综合运用语言的能力。题目的选材基本上脱离课本,一般是有一定难度的有权威性的白话文。选文常具有层次较多,逻辑性强,内涵丰富,既有明示信息,又有隐含信息等特点,所以要求应试者的思维要缜密、灵活。从近几年的高考设题情况看,难度不减,学生在解题时总感到没有把握,往往只能就题论题,头痛医头,脚痛医脚,缺乏一种上升到解题规律的认识。这就影响到阅读能力的提高。现代文阅读虽然富于变化,但还是有章 Modern text reading is one of the important windows that reflects the actual ability of Chinese. Therefore, the Chinese test of the college entrance examination also makes modern text reading a key content, focusing on the ability to thoroughly understand and comprehensively use the language. The selection of topics is basically independent of textbooks. It is generally authoritative vernacular with a certain degree of difficulty. The essay often has many levels, strong logic, rich connotation, explicit information, and implicit information, so the examinee’s thinking should be careful and flexible. From the situation of college entrance examinations in recent years, the degree of difficulty has not diminished. Students always feel unsure when solving problems. Often, they only have questions on topics, headaches, and foot acupuncture, and lack of a law that rises to solving problems. understanding. This affects the improvement of reading ability. Although modern reading is full of change, it still has chapters.
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