崇尚道德模范 提高道德素质

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为充分展示广大公民践行社会主义荣辱观的精神风貌,切实发挥道德模范在公民道德建设中的示范引导作用,进一步推动全社会形成知荣辱、树正气、促和谐的良好风尚,由中央文明办、全国总工会、共青团中央、全国妇联组织开展的全国道德模范评选表彰活动2007年9月18日揭晓评选结果。评选活动共推出307名候选人,最终有53名同志分别获得全国十大助人为乐模范、十大见义勇为模范、十大敬业奉献模范、十大孝老爱亲模范和十大诚实守信模范称号,有254人获得全国道德模范提名奖。这次全国道德模范评选表彰活动,是新中国成立以来规模最大,规格最高,评选范围最广的道德模范评选。9月18日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席胡锦涛在人民大会堂亲切会见了全国道德模范并发表重要讲话。他强调,在全面建设小康社会,加快推进社会主义现代化的进程中,我们始终要高度重视和切实加强社会主义道德建设,大力弘扬社会公德、职业道德、家庭美德,为我国经济社会发展提供强有力的思想道德保障。胡锦涛指出,榜样的力量是无穷的。这次表彰的全国道德模范,都是群众爱戴的先进典型。各级党委和政府要积极关心、爱护,宣传全国道德模范,全党全国都要以道德模范为榜样,自觉实践社会主义荣辱观,努力在全社会进一步形成知荣辱、树正气、促和谐的良好风尚。宁夏书画院工会主席沈利萍荣获全国十大孝老爱亲模范称号,赖清林(宁夏军区正师职离休干部)、者连成(宁夏泾源县二中教师)、卢雪鹏(宁夏银川市商城个体工商户、革命烈士)、王新宁(宁夏银川市兴盈出租汽车公司驾驶员)、王新生(宁夏住宅建设发展集团总裁、党委书记)、张志福(宁夏固原福苑实业有限公司总经理)、白春兰(宁夏白春兰沙产业开发公司董事长)、冯志远(宁夏中宁县鸣沙中学退休教师)、丁丽萍(宁夏平罗县老年服务中心职工)等9人获得全国道德模范提名奖。 In order to fully demonstrate the spirit of the general public in practicing the socialist concept of honor and disgrace and earnestly give play to the exemplary and guiding role of moral models in the moral construction of citizens and further promote the formation of a good habit of honor, disgrace, integrity, and harmony in the whole society, the Central Civilization Office , The National Federation of Trade Unions, the Communist Youth League Central Committee, the All-China Women’s Federation organized a national moral model award recognition activities September 18, 2007 announced the results. A total of 307 candidates were selected for the contest, and 53 comrades eventually won the top ten models for helping others, the ten models for courageous dedication, the ten dedication models, the model for loving ten pro-elders and the ten models for honesty and trustworthiness, respectively 254 people won the national moral model nomination award. The national moral model selection and recognition activities, is the largest since the founding of New China, the highest specification, the selection of the most extensive selection of moral models. On September 18, President Hu Jintao, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, met cordially with the national moral model and delivered an important speech in the Great Hall of the People. He emphasized that in the process of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and accelerating the process of socialist modernization, we always attach great importance to and earnestly strengthen the socialist morality and vigorously promote social ethics, professional ethics and family virtues, and provide a strong force for the economic and social development of our country. The ideological and moral security. Hu Jintao pointed out that the power of the example is endless. The national moral models honored this time are all advanced models that the masses love. Party committees and governments at all levels should actively care for, care for, and propagandize the national moral model. All party members and governments in the entire country should follow the example of moral models and conscientiously practice the socialist concept of honor and disgrace. They should strive to further develop a good society of honor, disgrace, good governance and harmony Fashion. Ningxia Academy of calligraphy and painting trade union chairman Shen Liping won the national top ten filial piety and love model, Lai Qinglin (Ningxia military division retired cadres), who Liancheng (Ningyuan Jingyuan two teachers), Lu Xuepeng (Ningxia Yinchuan City Mall individual industrial and commercial households , Revolutionary martyrs), Wang Xinning (Ningxia Yinchuan City Xingying taxi company driver), Wang Xinsheng (Ningxia Housing Construction Development Group President, party secretary), Zhang Zifu (Ningxia Guyuan Fuyuan Industrial Co., Ltd. General Manager), Bai Chunlan Chunlan Industrial Development Corporation chairman), Feng Zhiyuan (Ningxia Zhongning County Minsha Middle School retired teacher), Ding Liping (Ningxia Pingluo County elderly service center staff) 9 people won the national moral model nomination award.
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过去十年中对数以万计被疑为AMI的病人进行了大规模的随机、多中心溶栓试验。 以1983年为开端的GISSI-1试验的结果不仅激发了静脉内溶栓疗法的广泛应用,而且也促进了这一领