
来源 :中国学校卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dadada123sasasa
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目的了解北京市西城区中学生体力活动的情况,探讨中学生超重肥胖相关行为现状及影响因素,为制定干预措施提供科学依据。方法采取整群随机抽样方法,对北京市西城区9所中学59个班级1 930名在校生使用“北京市青少年健康相关行为调查问卷”进行调查。结果在过去7 d中,有74.8%和59.1%中学生分别参加体育锻炼和中等强度运动;平均每天看电视、玩电子游戏、上网超过2 h的报告率分别为24.9%,11.9%和31.9%。参加体育锻炼、中等强度运动、玩电子游戏行为报告率男生高于女生。职高学生、自感学习成绩差的中学生运动行为报告率较低,静态行为报告率较高。母亲文化程度越高,家庭类型为核心或大家庭中学生运动行为报告率越高,静态行为报告率越低。男生患超重肥胖的危险是女生的3.207倍;平均每天看电视超过4 h的中学生患超重肥胖的危险是平均每天看电视不足1 h中学生的1.755倍。结论广泛开展健康教育,增强中学生健康理念,引导科学运动,控制看电视、上网和玩电子游戏的时间,可以减少青少年超重和肥胖的发生。 Objective To understand the physical activity of middle school students in Xicheng District of Beijing and to explore the prevalence and influencing factors of overweight and obesity among middle school students and to provide a scientific basis for making interventions. Methods A cluster random sampling method was used to survey 1 930 students in 59 classes in 9 high schools in Xicheng District, Beijing using the Beijing Health Questionnaire for Adolescents. Results In the past 7 days, 74.8% of students and 59.1% of middle school students took part in physical exercises and moderate-intensity exercise respectively. On average, they watched television and played video games on an average daily basis. The reporting rates of Internet access exceeding 2 hours were 24.9%, 11.9% and 31.9% respectively. Participate in physical exercise, moderate-intensity exercise, play video game report rate of boys than girls. Vocational high school students, self-reported poor performance of middle school students reported lower motor activity, static behavior report rate higher. The higher the educational level of mothers, the higher the reporting rate of middle school students or their family type is, and the lower the static behavior reporting rate is. The risk of boys suffering from overweight and obesity is 3.207 times that of girls; the risk of overweight and obesity among secondary school students who watch television more than 4 hours a day on average is 1.755 times higher than that of students who watch television less than 1 hour a day on average. Conclusions Extensively conducting health education, enhancing the concept of health among middle school students, guiding scientific sports, controlling the time spent watching TV, accessing the Internet and playing video games can reduce the incidence of overweight and obesity among adolescents.
<正> 1、处方:鲜三月苞(别名茅莓,蔷薇科植物)根120克(干品60克)。用法:上药切片后加米酒120克和水适量,煎熬4小时,取汤内服,每日1剂,直到排石或症状消失为止。但结石在1厘米