Robust Export of China-Made Auto Parts and Accessories

来源 :中国对外贸易:英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rangdeqian
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As the basis of automobile industry,auto parts are the necessary factors for sup- porting the automobile industry to develop continuously and healthily.Especially now when the independent development and innovation of automobile industry is developing vig
<正>Duration:January 18-March 6 Venue:ShanghART Beijing,No.261 Caochangdi Opening hours:11am-6pm(closed on Mondays) Sun Xun&#39;s latest work&#39;Beyond-ism&#39
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1 InternetInternet是一个包罗万象的词.从字义上讲,它的意思是"网间之网"(a network of networks).它是全球计算机、网络设备和通讯设备的集合体.其本身由数万个局域网组成,
<正>Paulson: Engagement with China only path to success&#39;Some people thought China&#39;s economic success as a threat, somehow we need counter or contain, so
<正> 在当今竞争激烈的有线电视产业中,经营商们都面临着如何在现有网络中增加增值业务的压力,目前,标准收入的传统有线电视业务也可以在DBS或者其它卫星网络中提供,这样,过