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春末夏初正是外景拍摄的好时节,是儿童照的旺季,外景照自然成了家长以及活泼的孩子们的首选。外景地本身环境优美,色彩丰富,景物本身就极具看点,加上拍摄对象是充满活力的孩子,因此只要孩子神态好,照片都会很漂亮。在后期处理中,只需保持环境本身的基本色彩,加强环境色彩的层次感,使画面通透,就可以大大提升画面效果,从而具备很强的观赏性。这里介绍3种不同环境的照片的后期调整方法。一、花树类下面这张照片以花树为背景,画面色彩绚丽,环境极佳,是家长们十分钟爱的类型,也将木马上穿着白裙的小姑娘衬托得十分可爱。这类图片在处理时要特别注意主次的控制,这里的环境色彩丰富,如处理得过于鲜艳,会让人物失色,如压制环境色,处理得太灰又无法突出环境特点让画面失色。调整思路是适当压暗环境,同时强化画面的光效,使背景通透而富有层次感。 Spring and early summer is a good time for location shooting. It is the peak season for children to take photos. It naturally becomes the first choice for parents and lively children. The location itself beautiful environment, rich colors, the scenery itself is very Aspect, coupled with the subject is a vibrant child, so as long as the child looks good, the picture will be very beautiful. In the post-processing, just to maintain the basic color of the environment itself, to enhance the sense of hierarchy of the environment color, so that the picture transparent, you can greatly enhance the screen effect, which has a strong ornamental. Here are three kinds of photos of the environment after the adjustment method. First, the flower tree The following picture to the flower tree as the background, the picture is colorful, the environment is excellent, is the type of parents are very fond of, but also Trojan horse wearing a white dress girl very cute background. This kind of picture should pay special attention to the control of the primary and the secondary when dealing with. The environment here is rich in colors. If it is handled too brightly, it will make the characters lose its color. For example, it will suppress the environment color, handle it too gray and can not emphasize the environment characteristics to make the picture fade. Adjust the idea is appropriate to darken the environment, while strengthening the light effect of the picture, the background is transparent and rich sense of hierarchy.