
来源 :现代预防医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sheryme
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[目的]了解建筑工地农民工艾滋病知识、态度,探求适宜于该群体的健康教育与干预模式。[方法]调查北京某区大、中、小型建筑工地农民工350人,对他们进行一般情况、艾滋病基本知识、对艾滋病感染者/患者的态度等方面的问卷调查。[结果]调查对象均为男性,78.5%的调查对象为初中及以下文化程度,高中及以上文化程度者的艾滋病知识知晓率高于初中及以下文化程度者,差异有统计学意义。艾滋病基本知识、态度的Logiest回归分析显示知识越高,正面态度越好。[结论]农民工以男性青壮年居多,文化水平较低,对艾滋病感染者及病人的正面态度普遍偏低,加强对其知识、态度的宣传教育可有效预防控制艾滋病的传播与蔓延。 [Objective] To understand the HIV / AIDS knowledge and attitude of migrant workers in construction sites and to explore health education and intervention models suitable for this group. [Methods] A total of 350 migrant workers in large, medium and small construction sites in a certain area of ​​Beijing were surveyed to conduct a questionnaire survey on their general conditions, basic HIV / AIDS knowledge, attitude towards HIV / AIDS patients and so on. [Results] All the surveyed subjects were male. 78.5% of the respondents had junior high school education and below, and those with high school education and above had higher awareness rate of AIDS knowledge than junior high school or below. The difference was statistically significant. Logistic regression analysis of AIDS basic knowledge and attitude showed that the higher the knowledge, the better the positive attitude. [Conclusion] Migrant workers are mostly young and middle-aged men with low educational level. Their positive attitudes toward HIV-infected patients and their patients are generally low. Promoting education on their knowledge and attitudes can effectively prevent and control the spread and spread of AIDS.
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