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应用顶空GC/MS多离子检测技术,分别测定了家兔暴露于二氯甲烷200、400ppm和三氯乙烯400ppm 6h血液毒物浓度。按照适用于吸入暴露的二室线性药物动力学模型,对实验数据作了分析处理,从而获得2种化合物一系列的毒物动力学参数。当暴露浓度为400ppm时,二氯甲烷和三氯乙烯快速消除相半衰期分别为0.15和0.09h,慢速消除相半衰期为0.67和2.0h,血液坪浓度为11.4和5.25μg/ml,表观分布容积为1.33和17.1L。提示两种化合物有明显不同的毒物动力学特性。 The headspace GC / MS multi-ion detection technique was used to determine the concentration of blood toxicants in rabbits exposed to 200,400ppm of dichloromethane and 400ppm of trichlorethylene for 6h. According to the two-compartment linear pharmacokinetic model for inhalation exposure, experimental data were analyzed and a series of toxicokinetic parameters were obtained for the two compounds. When the exposure concentration was 400ppm, the half-lives of methylene chloride and trichlorethylene for elimination were 0.15 and 0.09h respectively, the slow elimination half-lives were 0.67 and 2.0h, the blood levels were 11.4 and 5.25μg / ml, respectively. The apparent distribution Volumes are 1.33 and 17.1L. Suggesting that the two compounds have significantly different toxicokinetic properties.
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