Air Liquide Contracted with 6G Flat Panel Display Producer

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Air Liquide China announced on July 28thit has just signed a long-term contract withNanjing CEC Panda LCD Technology Corporationfor its new 6-generation Flat PanelDisplay (FPD) fab in the new Nanjing CrystalValley,Jiangsu province.This fab willbe one of the most advanced 6-generationFPD fabs in China,with a total investment Air Liquide China announced on July 28thit has just signed a long-term contract with Nanjing CEC Panda LCD Technology Corporation for its new 6-generation Flat Panel Display (FPD) fab in the new Nanjing Crystal Valley, Jiangsu province. This fab will be one of the most advanced 6 -generationFPD fabs in China, with a total investment
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