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福建教育出版社为我们中学语文教师和学生出版了一本好书--《一位大学教授的高考“下水文”》,作者是南开大学文学院教授徐江。大学教授写高考“下水文”,这在全国恐怕是唯一的,是什么情感、心思促使他涉足呢?  高考作文指导园地里是比较荒芜的,可谓“杂草园”,所缺的是真正可供我们借鉴的好“花”。市面公开发行的什么《满分作文快递》《真卷作文》有相当多的文章都是粗制滥造的,并不能给中学教师和学生带来多少有用的东西。
A subset of S of the vertex set of a graph G is called acyclic if the subgraph it induces in G contains no cycles. S is called an acyclic dominating set of G if
In the existing literature of Repairable Queueing Systems (RQS), i.e., queueing systems with server breakdowns, it is almost all assumed that interarrival times
We study a production-inventory system having a machine, a storage facility. The demand for the product is goved by an Erlangian demand arrival process, where d
The Lie algebra of derivations of rational function field C(t) is C(t)d/dt. The automorphism group of C(t) is well known as to be isomorphic to the projective l
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In this paper, a difference scheme with nonuniform meshes is established for the initial-boundary problem of the nonlinear parabolic system. It is proved that t
In the past there were a lot of researches on the topic of economic growth. Nevertheless, the environment has been a bit abstracted by standard economics. Scarc
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