利用“Windows Madia编码器”实现电视卡局域网共享

来源 :电脑知识与技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:supergirl
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首先下载、安装WindowsMedia编码器,完成安装后,运行WindowsMedia编码器,将会弹出向导窗口。选择“广播实况事件”,进入“设备选项”对话框。在完成对音频、视频设备的选择后点击“下一步”,在“广播方法”对话框中选择“自编码器拉传递”选项,接下来进行广播连接设置(下图)。? First download, install Windows Media Encoder, after installation, run Windows Media Encoder, will pop up the wizard window. Select “Broadcast Live Events” to enter the “Device Options” dialog box. After finishing the selection of audio and video devices, click “Next” and select “Pull from encoder” option in the “Broadcast Method” dialog box, then proceed with the broadcast connection setting (below). ?
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