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今年4月,中央政法委在全国政法系统部署开展社会主义法治理念教育活动,这是贯彻落实胡锦涛总书记重要批示,全面加强政法队伍思想政冶建设的一项重要举措。全面深入地理解和把握社会主义法治理念的本质要求和深刻内涵,坚持用社会主义法治理念指导监狱工作实践,对于进一步加强人民警察队伍建设、提高监狱执法水平、推动我省监狱事业健康发展具有重要的现实意义和深远的历史意义。一、全面深入地理解和把握社会主义法治理念的本质要求和深刻内涵社会主义法治理念作为社会主义法治的精髓和灵魂,包括以下一些本质要求,即必须反映和坚持社会主义先进生产 In April this year, the Central Political and Legal Commission deployed the concept of socialist education guided by the rule of law throughout the country's political and legal system. This is an important measure for implementing General Secretary Hu Jintao's important instructions and comprehensively strengthening the ideological and political building of the ranks of political and legal personnel. To comprehensively and deeply understand and grasp the essential requirements and profound connotations of the socialist concept of the rule of law and insist on guiding the practice of prison work with the socialist concept of the rule of law is of great importance for further strengthening the construction of the people's police contingent and improving the level of law enforcement in prisons and in promoting the healthy development of prisons in our province The practical significance and far-reaching historical significance. First, a comprehensive and in-depth understanding and grasp of the socialist law concept of the essential requirements and profound connotation of the socialist concept of the rule of law as the essence and soul of the socialist rule of law, including the following essential requirements that must reflect and adhere to the socialist advanced production
阐述监狱中进行职工终身教育培训制度的必要性,分析监狱环境工作的特点,对如何构建“学习型”组织提出看法。 Describe the necessity of carrying out lifelong education
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据中央政法委调查显示,当前,政法工作和政法队伍建设的成效集中体现在公正执法上。而人民群众对政法机关的意见,也主要集中在执法小公 According to the Central Political
舞台剧,尤其是放诸21世纪现代人目前的舞台剧,能把一百多万字的古典小说,如《红楼梦》“忠实”呈现吗?   越剧舞台上不就有历演不衰的《红楼梦》吗?虽然,谁都知道走进越剧院的观众也不是活在曹雪芹所写的年代,不过,幽情就是思古,戏曲中的宝、黛、钗由仪容到举止,心情到心态,到底和手机不离手、走路似赛跑的“我们”有点远——是因为“大观园”离我们有一段距离?抑或,“大观园”经历洗礼,已成了现代人的“失乐园