Zika virus:A review of literature

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lyysnnu
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Zika virus(ZIKV) has two lineages:African and Asian.Mosquito-borne flaviviruses are thought to replicate initially in dendritic cells and then spread to lymph nodes and the blood stream.Risk for infection through blood transfusion,sexual practices and perinatal transmission exists.The possible routes of perinatal transmission are during delivery,breastfeeding and by close contact between the mother and her newborn.Also,mucocutaneous exposures to the virus by infected blood or monkey bite,organ transplantation or hemodialysis are the other routes of ZIKV transmission.There are two types of ZIKV infection;Zika fever and congenital infection.Clinical presentation of Zika fever varies from asymptomatic infections to a self-limiting febrile disease with low grade fever,conjunctivitis,maculopapular rash,headache,retro-orbital pain and arthritis/arthralgia with periarticular edema,myalgia,vertigo,vomiting and asthenia.This clinical feature could be mistaken for dengue or chikungunya fevers.Microcephaly is the most important and frequently reported clinical picture of suspected congenital Zika syndrome.Laboratory tests are needed for diagnosis of ZIKV infection,because there is no known pathognomonic clinical,biochemical or radiological features.RT-PCR is the most wellliked assay.Serum samples are tested by immunoglobulin G ELISA with ZIKV antigen.Samples are also tested by immunoglobulin M ELISA.There is no certified vaccine or therapeutic medication.In asymptomatic or uncomplicated patients,treatment is not necessary. Zika virus (ZIKV) has two lineages: African and Asian. Mosquito-borne flaviviruses are thought to replicate initially in dendritic cells and then spread to lymph nodes and the blood stream. Risk for infection through blood transfusion, sexual practices and perinatal transmission exists. The possible routes of perinatal transmission are during delivery, breastfeeding and by close contact between the mother and her newborn. Also, mucocutaneous exposures to the virus by infected blood or monkey bite, organ transplantation or hemodialysis are the other routes of ZIKV transmission. There are two types of ZIKV infection; Zika fever and congenital infection. Clinical presentation of Zika fever varies from asymptomatic infections to a self-limiting febrile disease with low grade fever, conjunctivitis, maculopapular rash, headache, retro-orbital pain and arthritis / arthralgia with periarticular edema, myalgia, vertigo, vomiting and asthenia.This clinical feature could be mistaken for dengue or chikungunya fevers.Mi crocephaly is the most important and frequently reported clinical picture of suspected congenital Zika syndrome. Laboratory tests are needed for diagnosis of ZIKV infection, because there is no known pathognomonic clinical, biochemical or radiological features. RT-PCR is the most wellliked assay. are tested by immunoglobulin G ELISA with ZIKV antigen. Samples are also tested by immunoglobulin M ELISA. There is no certified vaccine or therapeutic. In asymptomatic or uncomplicated patients, treatment is not necessary.
作者以一个女儿的独特视角和挚切情感,为读者展示了乔冠华与龚澎的传奇人生和30年风雨同舟的动人情感。本书还首次披露了龚澎去世后,乔冠华晚年走过的沧桑。本文编辑时有删节。    新闻发言的奠基人    早在重庆时期,母亲就担当了中国共产党人的新闻发布官。  共和国的新闻发言人展现在世界舞台上始于上世纪50年代。1954年日内瓦会议期间,母亲与黄华同志作为中国政府的新闻发言人举行了多场记者招待会。  建
2008年3月12日下午,在北京新大都酒店,记者再次见到和蔼可亲的鲁冠球。  全国两会期间,鲁冠球并没有接受太多媒体的采访。只是邀请了几家熟知的媒体,因而记者幸运地中了“彩”。  与几年前相比,鲁冠球说话依然铿锵有力,走路依然箭步如飞。面容与几年前在浙江萧山见面时似乎没有什么改变,只是头上又添了些银发。如今已是年过六旬,但一点也看不出60年岁人的迹象。  从最初只有4000元家底的“铁匠铺”起家的
高龄老年性白内障致盲一般多为双眼,为使这部份人能重见光明,欢度晚年,本文就1987~1990年17例80~86岁老年性白内障手术治疗体会报道如下: Senile senile cataract blindness
目的 探讨颅骨表皮样囊肿(SEC)的CT及MRI特征.方法 回顾性分析经手术病理证实的4例颅骨表皮样囊肿患者的CT及MRI表现.结果 SEC的影像特征表现为:(1)CT显示颅骨火山口或扇贝样骨质缺损,周围骨质增生硬化,病灶内可出现脂性密度;(2)MR T1WI示肿瘤呈等、低信号,T2WI呈显著高信号,扩散加权成像(DWI)呈轻、中度高信号,表观扩散系数(ADC)图像病灶呈等、低信号氢质子MR波谱(