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马克思主义新闻观是马克思主义对新闻工作总的根本的看法,是马克思主义的历史唯物主义和辩证唯物主义基本理论在新闻学领域里的具体体现。学习马克思主义新闻理论,一定要紧密联系新时期新闻工作的实际,紧紧抓住马克思主义新闻理论体系中最基本也是最有特色的七个理论观点:“喉舌论”、党性论、群众论、导向论、艺术论、道德论和人才论,深刻领会其内涵,并在实践中融会贯通。“喉舌论”马克思主义新闻学对于新闻事业性质、功能、作用和地位的传统论点和形象比喻。“喉舌论”认为,新闻事业在传播新闻的过程中,总要做某个阶级、阶层、党派、集团的耳目喉舌。毛泽东同志十分重视发挥新闻事业的喉舌作用,在《对晋绥日报编辑人员的谈话》中强调:“报纸的作用和力量,就在它能使党的纲领路线,方针政策,工作任务和工作方法,最迅速最广泛地同群众见面。”邓小平同志把党的新闻事业的地位和作用,提到“全国安定团结的思想上的中心”这样的高度,要求党的新闻事业 Marxist news outlook is the general fundamental view of Marxism on the work of journalism and is the concrete manifestation of the basic theory of historical materialism and dialectical materialism of Marxism in the field of journalism. To study Marxism news theory, we must keep in close touch with the actual situation of the news work in the new era and firmly grasp the seven basic theoretical points which are the most basic and the most characteristic in the Marxist news theory system: Theory of the Mouthpiece, Theory of the Party Spirit, Theory, Theory of Orientation, Theory of Art, Theory of Morality and Talent Theory, deeply understand its connotation, and get through in practice. “Mouthpiece ” Marxist journalism traditional arguments and image metaphors for the nature, function, role and status of journalism. In the opinion of the “Theory of the Mouthpiece,” in the course of disseminating news, the news industry always has to be the mouthpiece of a certain class, class, party, and group. Comrade Mao Tse-tung attached great importance to giving play to the role of the mouthpiece of the press as he emphasized in his “Conversations with Editors of the Jin Sui Daily”: “The role and power of the newspaper lies in its ability to make the party’s program lines, guidelines, policies, tasks and work Method, the most rapid and most extensively meet with the masses. ”“ Comrade Deng Xiaoping referred to the status and role of the party’s journalism in the ”center of ideological stability and stability in the country" and demanded that the cause of the party’s journalism
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