Red soil in the hot and humid tropical, subtropical bioclimatic conditions, mineralization of mineral quickly, slow accumulation. Soil organic matter content is low, especially after cultivated land organic matter content is a sharp decline. Generally low yield red soil organic matter content of about 1%, and some lower. Produced per kilogram of high yield red soil organic matter content more than 3%. To some extent, the content of organic matter can be used as one of the indicators of fertility in red soil. However, some red soil organic matter content as high as 4% or more, and the yield is still not high; or organic matter content is not high in the soil, large organic fertilizer application, the soil organic matter did not significantly accumulated, while the yield has doubled. Therefore, further study on the relationship between humus composition and soil fertility in red soil is of great significance. This study was conducted on the basis of three years of red soil orientation test at different fertility levels. As of three years.