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辛亥革命是鲁迅一生当中经历的最重大的历史事件之一。即便作为同情者、旁观者,鲁迅也从中获得了深切的体验。“我不能做革命者”鲁迅同情革命运动。他留学日本不久,就参加了浙江同乡会,在《浙江潮》上发表了《斯巴达之魂》等慷慨激昂的文字。他对当时盛行的排满论深表赞同,所以他在翻译外国文学时,选择的多是东欧弱小受压迫民族的作 The Revolution of 1911 was one of the most significant historical events experienced by Lu Xun in his life. Even as a sympathizer, onlookers, Lu Xun also gained a profound experience. “I can not be a revolutionist ” Lu Xun sympathizes with the revolutionary movement. Shortly after he studied in Japan, he attended Zhejiang Association of Natives and published the impassioned words such as Soul of Sparta on “Zhejiang Tide.” He strongly favored the prevailing exclusion theory of the time, so when he was translating foreign literature, he mostly chose the works of the infirm and oppressor of Eastern Europe
目的 研究丙烯腈对小鼠精子生成的影响。方法 经皮下注射丙烯腈35 天, 检测雄性小鼠的精子数量、活动度、精子畸形率。结果 剂量达6mg·kg -1bw 时, 小鼠精子活动度即受影响, 且随染毒剂