重视市埸预测 不断开发新产品——上海第三衬衫厂创出自产自销新局面

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上海第三衬衫厂自产自销的“红双喜”牌和“沪光”牌印花富春纺女衬衫,从寒冬腊月到春暖花开,一直保持竞相争购、供不应求的局面。截止三月底,客户向该厂洽谈要货数已逾八十万件。上海第三衬衫厂原是生产“红双马”真丝绸男衬衫的专业老厂。自从党的对外开放、对内搞活经济的政策贯彻后,在以外为主的前提下,该厂积极组织自产自销。为了首战告捷,创出新路,他们经常与特约经销店联系,及时了解市场信息,掌握消费者对衬衫需求的变化。根据消费者对衬衫袖笼和腰身太大,领尖 The “Double Happiness” brand and “Huguang” brand printed Fuchunfang blouses produced and sold by Shanghai No. 3 Shirt Factory from the winter and the lunar months to the spring are always competing to compete for and exceed supply. By the end of March, customers had negotiated more than 800,000 items with the factory. Shanghai No. 3 Shirt Factory was originally a professional old factory producing “Red Shuangma” silk men’s shirts. Since the implementation of the party’s policy of opening up to the outside world and invigorating the economy, the factory has actively organized self-producing and self-selling on the premise of being externally oriented. In order to win the first battle and create new roads, they often contacted special dealerships to keep abreast of market information and to grasp changes in consumer demand for shirts. According to the consumer is too big for the shirt sleeve and waist, the tip
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无论是项目型的用户还是OEM客户,最终进入使用的是完整的电控系统,而不是单纯的传动、控制器、传感器这些控制元器件。因此,为用户提供解决方案,而不是单独的 Whether it is
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