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  On a cold February day in Nashville, Swift was at SIR Studios rehearsing for the current 47-city tour to support her album Red(2012). She was 2)strumming on a Taylor guitar(she favors the brand) 3)inlaid with 4)mother-ofpearl.
  Swift writes perfect pop songs that stick in your head like lollipops stuck in your hair. She is sometimes criticized for the thinness of her voice, but it sounded sweet and melodic, with a bit of country 5)twang. Swift cultivates a 6)gawky 7)adorkability in her music videos, in which she often plays the unloved girl alone in her room 8)pining over the cute guy. The bio Swift’s publicist had sent me was adorkable too:“Hi, I’m Taylor. I love the number 13. I was born in December on a Christmas tree farm”—actually a hospital, in Reading, Pennsylvania, in 1989. Swift spent her early childhood on a Christmas-tree farm in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, in a picturesque house owned by her parents, Andrea, who had worked in finance, and Scott, then a stockbroker with Merrill Lynch. “My favorite thing in life is writing about life, specifically the parts of life concerning love,” her bio went on. “Because, as far as I’m concerned, love is absolutely everything.”
  Watching her rehearse that day, it became clear that Swift works incredibly hard. “I’m the type of person, I have to study to get an A on the test,” she would tell me later. “I have to work really hard to get the record deal—I have to spend years at it to get good. I have to practice to be good at guitar. I have to write 100 songs before you write the first good one.”
  Her determination has paid off. The Taylor Swift triumphant music stats can go on and on, but here are a few: She’s a seven-time Grammy winner and the youngest person ever to win Album of the Year (for Fearless,? in 2009). She’s the only female artist, and the fourth artist ever, to twice have an album (Red and 2010’s Speak Now) sell a million copies in its first week. With Red, she became the first artist since the Beatles—and the only female artist ever—to have three consecutive albums spend six or more weeks at No. 1 on the Billboard 200. She has sold more than 26 million albums and 75 million song downloads worldwide. She holds the Billboard record for the most Top 10 debuts in the history of its Hot 100.   And then there are the inevitable 9)endorsements. Swift is a brand. She’s been called “America’s Sweetheart”: she rarely drinks, doesn’t smoke, go clubbing, or get arrested—she’s the anti-10)Lohan, and this 11)squeaky-clean image has made her an attractive advertising partner for Target, Sony, CoverGirl, Keds, Elizabeth Arden, and, recently, Diet Coke.

  But something happened to Swift’s long media honeymoon sometime over the last year. Suddenly people—and not just haters on the Internet but public figures—were making fun of her. And then our conversation turned to the Golden Globes. “I was just sort of like, Oh well, you know, I can laugh at myself,” Swift said. “But what it ended up adding to was this whole kind of everyone jumping on the 12)bandwagon of ‘Taylor dates too much’—which, you know, if you want some big revelation, since 2010 I have dated exactly two people.” Conor Kennedy and Harry Styles.
  It probably doesn’t help this situation that Swift writes songs about the guys she dates and then sends her fans on 13)scavenger hunts to find out who they are. While some women are content to just leave an angry voice-mail message or throw the guy’s clothes in the street, Swift lets the whole world know he’s been a 14)heel. After dating former Disney star Joe Jonas in 2008, she publicly announced he’d broken up with her in a 27-second phone call. She then allegedly wrote several songs about their breakup, including “Better than Revenge,” released in 2010. And then there was Twilight 15)hunk Taylor Lautner, whom Swift also dated in 2009 after meeting him on the set of Valentine’s Day (2010), and about whom she allegedly wrote the apologetic breakup song “Back to December,”released in 2010.
  It’s ironic that Swift, who has often spoken of having lived through a miserable middle-school experience in Wyomissing, where she was 16)ostracized for being different—an “awkward,” temporarily overweight girl who sang the 17)national anthem at professional sports events—now finds herself at the center of a celebrity culture infused with all the meanness of junior high. The source of her appeal has always been her ability to dig deep into her youthful feelings and reveal them in all their painfulness. One of her most moving songs, “Fifteen” (2009), is a ballad about the vulnerability of a girl at the edge of 18)maturation.
  “I’ve never thought about songwriting as a weapon,”Swift said. “I’ve only thought about it as a way to help me get through love and loss and sadness and loneliness and growing up. When I write songs it’s never a conscious decision—it’s an idea that floats down in front of me at four in the morning or in the middle of a conversation or on a tour bus or in the mall or in an airport bathroom. I never know when I’m gonna get an idea and I never know what it’s gonna be.”

  When she walks out onto the stage, Swift always takes a moment to close her eyes and just feel the love of her cheering fans. She’s a girl who loves love and wants to be in love—but she says she’s willing to wait until she gets it right.“I’m perfectly happy for all my past relationships to be wrong until I find the one that’s right, because I’m very happy not having found my great love yet.
  “If I could find someone who just looked at me like I’m a girl,” she said, “like a girl they want to be their girlfriend, with all my accomplishments and my criticisms, without this big cartoon character that most people see me as because they don’t know me … I just want a guy to be dating me as a girl.”
  “You know what I always do?” she said. “I have my 19)sanity button that I push. I push this button that’s like ‘Stop complaining, your life’s great, stop, do not complain about this life, stop, this life is amaaaazing.’ Sanity button.”

  ·脱口秀主持人艾伦·德杰尼勒斯(Ellen DeGeneres)每次邀请斯威夫特上她的节目都开她的玩笑。
  ·2012 年的乡村音乐颁奖礼上,主持人卡丽·安德伍德(Carrie Underwood)和布拉德·佩斯利(Brad Paisley)拿斯威夫特跟 18 岁的肯尼迪家族继承人康纳·肯尼迪开玩笑。“他们会复合吗?”佩斯利问。“不会,永远永远都不会。”安德伍德引用斯威夫特的歌词(《Red》专辑主打歌《We Are Never Getting Back Together》)回答道。
  ·《明星》(The Star)日报曾以《泰勒·斯威夫特:笑柄》为头条,配上了一张斯威夫特抹泪的照片。
  ·今年 1 月的金球奖颁奖礼上,主持人蒂娜·菲(Tina Fey)在台上说了一句玩笑话:“泰勒·斯威夫特,别打迈克尔·J·福克斯儿子的主意!”,全场爆出哄堂大笑。
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