一、问题与求索——广场的性质、功能、特点的分析—创新之本 1.广场的时代性与纪念性武汉城建学院是八十年代选址重建的我国第一所城市建设方面的高等院校。她的重建正值“第三次浪潮席卷全球,科学技术日新月异”的时代。这所新生的学院要肩负为我国城建事业的发展培养人才的重任,要为城市建设事业开拓新路。因此,要赋予学院当今时代的风貌和永久性的纪念,以激起师生们对城市建设事业的不懈追求。学院中心广场的设计便是体现这一点的较为理想的场所。
I. Problems and Findings—Analysis of the Nature, Functions, and Features of the Plaza—The Originals of Innovation 1. The Era of the Times and the Remembrance of the Wuhan Urban Construction Institute is the first university in China to be rebuilt in the 1980s. school. Her reconstruction coincided with the era of “the third wave sweeping the world and the rapid advancement of science and technology.” This new college must shoulder the important task of cultivating talents for the development of China’s urban construction, and should open up new roads for the city construction. Therefore, it is necessary to give the Academy its style and permanent commemoration in the present era in order to arouse the teachers and students’ relentless pursuit of urban construction. The design of the College Center Plaza is an ideal place to reflect this.