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藏西极地,大美不言。 冈底斯山脉东西绵长2200公里,但岗仁波齐不需要任何鉴别它的知识,它就在那儿,一眼就能见证存在。传说中,它植根地狱,山体在人间,白色山顶直达天界,一群群山峰组成一片山的狂涛骇浪,拥戴着神秘美丽的大雪山——岗仁波齐峰。 每年的藏历四月十五日是佛主释迦牟尼降生、成道、涅磐之日。在这一天,神山的入口处将举办玛尼旗更换仪式。藏传佛教认为此日转山功德高过平日。 神山是指岗仁波齐峰,她同时是藏传佛教、印度教和苯教的朝圣中心。纳木那尼峰则被称为“神女峰”,加之两山间的圣湖玛旁雍错和鬼湖拉昂错,这两山两湖地区被佛教徒尊为“神山圣湖”之地。每年都有大批来自各地的信徒来此朝拜转山。藏传佛教的信徒们尤其认为,在米乐日巴战胜纳若奔琼的纪念年,也就是马年转山最为吉利。今年是藏历的水马年,可以想像转山会的盛况。 岗仁波齐是宇宙的中心,印度教中468位大神出没的宫殿,是伟大的“凯拉斯山”,佛教中的须弥山,拥着湖水蓝得让人心醉的玛旁雍错,人称圣女“马娜莎”;也是大唐高僧玄奘在《大唐西域记》中的“西天瑶池”;圣雄甘地的骨灰也撒在这片湖水里。圣湖的鱼有鳞,也好象因此有灵,被湖水抛上岸来,全被晒成鱼干,虔诚的藏族将其拾起并视为圣药,尤其是针对产妇难产的特效药,这? Tibet Westpole, the United States without words. The Mt. Gangdese stretches for 2200 kilometers between east and west, but Gang Rinpoche does not need any knowledge of it to identify it. It is there to witness the existence at a glance. Legend, it is rooted in hell, the earth in the world, the white top of the sky directly to the sky, a group of mountain peaks formed a mountainous, embracing a mysterious and beautiful Snowy Mountain - Gangren Boqi peak. The annual Tibetan calendar April 15 is the birth of Buddha Sakyamuni, Taoism, Nirvana. On this day, Manis flag change ceremony will be held at the entrance of Kamiyama. Tibetan Buddhism believes that the transfer of merit today is higher than usual. Kamiyama refers to Rinpoche, and is also a pilgrimage center for Tibetan Buddhism, Hinduism and Bon religion. Namu Na is known as the “goddess peak”, together with the two mountains between the lake and the lake around the misty Lake Damon wrong, the two lakes and two lakes by Buddhists respect as “Holy Mountain Holy Land”. Every year, a large number of believers from all over the world come to visit Mt. In particular, believers in Tibetan Buddhism believe that the anniversary of the victory of Naruo Benqiong in Milo Ritama, that is, the most auspicious year in the Year of the Horse. This year is the Year of the Horse in Tibet, you can imagine the grand occasion of the rotation. Gang Rinpoche is the center of the universe, 468 Hindu gods haunted palace, is the great “Kailaisi Mountain”, Buddhism Xu Mi Shan, embraced by the blue lake was mesmerizing the Manasarovar, Female “Mana Sha”; also is the Tang monk Xuan Zang “in the Tang Dynasty” in the “West Tianyao Chi Chi”; Mahatma Gandhi ashes are scattered in this lake. The fish of the holy lake are scaly and also seem to be spiritually spirited. They are thrown into the shore by the lake and dried up in dried fish. The devout Tibetans pick up and treat it as a holy drug, especially for the cure of maternal dystocia.