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农村流氓恶势力,是指一定数量的农民以血缘或亲缘关系为纽带纠合在一起,公然藐视法律和社会公德,在本乡本土内(一般不外出作恶)长时期进行破坏公共秩序,侵害他人利益,横行乡里,鱼肉百姓的流氓犯罪活动的犯罪主体。农村流氓恶势力作为新形势下农民违法犯罪活动的一种类型,在农民犯罪中占有一定的地位。据对辽宁省8个县(区)22个农村乡镇的调查,当前流氓恶势力在农民犯罪中表现出犯罪比例高,性质恶劣,社会危害严重的特点。犯罪比例高,是指流氓恶势力在相当多数的乡村地区存在,作恶的时间长、频率高。性质恶劣,是指流氓恶势力凶狠残暴,无恶不作。危害严重,是指流氓恶势力的犯罪活动,导致了一些村的党政群组织的涣散甚至被瓦解,群众不能正常进行生产生活。农村流氓恶势力的存在,已对我国农村政治、经济生活构成了严重影响,应当引起各级党政组织和公安司法机关的注意。 The rogue evil forces in rural areas mean that a certain number of peasants are intertwined by kinship or kinship ties, openly despising the law and social ethics, destroying public order and infringing the interests of others in their hometowns for a long period of time Township, fish people murderers criminals criminal activities. As a type of peasant illegal activities in the new situation, the villainous evil forces in rural areas occupy a certain position in the crime of peasants. According to a survey of 22 rural villages and towns in 8 counties (districts) in Liaoning Province, the current gangster and evil forces have shown a high proportion of crimes, poor nature and serious social harms in peasant crimes. The high percentage of crimes means that rogue and evil forces exist in a relatively large number of rural areas, and have long been wicked with high frequency. Harsh nature, refers to the vicious rogue vicious cruel evil, no evil. Harmful, refers to the criminal activities of rogue forces, leading to the dissolution of the party and government groups in some villages or even disintegration, the masses can not be normal production and life. The existence of evil forces in rural areas has seriously affected the political and economic life of our country’s rural areas and should be brought to the attention of party and government organizations and public security and judicial organs at all levels.
1月15日  晴  冬日,下午5时的岛城,让我格外喜欢。  那时,太阳开始下山,天边闪动着玫瑰色的光辉。  我正站在窗边眺望着南方。天边有一片深红色的阴影。在那个方向,既有连绵起伏的崂山,又有一望无际的大海。其实,我也说不清那片红色阴影是什么。  谁都知道最近青岛空气不太好。今天,天空中出现了难得一见的蓝天。空气质量从中、重度污染变成了优良。  哎!我觉得在天上的神仙今年不会下凡了。连孙大圣都打不
夏天,灿烂的季节,属于收获前求索与耕耘的季节。 6月19日,持续十天之久的暴雨终于停歇,英雄城的天空绽放出了久违的笑意。这天上午,由江西省文艺评论委员会牵头,南昌市教育
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