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吴佩孚从始至终只与结发妻子张佩兰相伴,从不拈花惹草。吴佩孚一辈子戒淫,他年轻时就写过:“率性而节欲,可庶几于圣贤;纵欲而灭性,则近于禽兽。”这道理说得简明、形象。想当圣贤,就要节制性欲,否则,就是禽兽!吴佩孚想做个道德完善的真君子,所以,就恪守传统,谢绝纵欲。一个人一时禁色不难,难的是一辈子,吴佩孚做到了。他三十开外才娶结发妻子李氏,后母亲坚持纳妾张佩兰,但对两位夫人排得很正。李氏病故后,吴佩孚再未纳妾。据说,1921年的某天,来自德国年 Wu Pei Fu from beginning to end only with his wife Zhang Peilan accompaniment, never give up. Wu Peifu lifetime of adultery, he wrote when he was young: “Righteousness and abstinence, can be Shu few Sage; indulgence, indulgence, is almost animal.” "This truth concise, image. Want to be a saint, it is necessary to control sexual desire, otherwise, is a beast! Wu Peifu want to be a real gentleman perfect morality, so abide by the tradition, declined lust. It is not difficult for a person to forbid temporarily, the difficulty is lifetime, Wu Peifu did it. He married thirty married Lee married his wife, after the mother insisted concubine Zhang Peilan, but the two ladies row is very positive. After Lee’s illness, Wu Pei-fu did not concubinage. It is said that one day in 1921 came from Germany
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