运用科学技术 战胜自然灾害——关于达县铁山隧道病害治理工程建设的调查报告

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铁山隧道位于省道广开公路达县境内铁山段。1998年5月28日下午6时,在隧道 DK140+567处产生突发性裂缝,裂缝最大错位20毫米,宽度在4-10毫米之间,随后两个多月,拱顶裂缝继续向西延伸,裂缝错位最宽处增至35毫米,至8月16日凌晨,衬砌砼呈三角形状蹋落,面积达14平方米。整个病害段裂缝都是在暴雨之后产生、发展的,引起了达川地区行署和交通局的高度重视,立即组成了由有关单位、专家组成的事故调查组。由煤科院重庆分院进行病害段地质雷达探测,报告阐明:病害段拱顶以上纵向20米长范围内,除少量充填物外均为大面积空腔。先后六次特邀有关单位的专家到施工现场实地考察,进行病害分析,形成了一套科学、完善的治理方案,着手进行近一年时间精心治理。一、病害原因根据省煤田地质局提供的《工程地质钻探报告》和重庆煤科院提供的《地质雷达勘探报告》的结果分析,专家们普遍认为,铁山隧道煤层采空区受外界影响产生变形位移,是隧道病 Tieshan tunnel is located in the provincial highway wide open Daxian Tieshan. On May 28, 1998, at 6 pm, sudden cracks were produced in the tunnel DK140 + 567 with the maximum dislocation of cracks of 20 mm and width of 4-10 mm. The arch cracks continued to extend westward for more than two months , The widest fracture dislocation increased to 35 millimeters, to early August 16, lining the concrete triangular shape, an area of ​​14 square meters. Cracks in the whole disease section were generated and developed after the torrential rain and caused great attention from administrative departments and transportation bureaus in Dachuan and immediately formed an accident investigation team composed of relevant units and experts. Chongqing Academy of Branch ASTRI to carry out the detection of the disease section of the geological radar, the report states: the disease more than 20 meters long dome above the vault, with a small amount of filling except for a large area outside the cavity. He invited experts from relevant departments six times to conduct on-the-spot inspection at the construction site and carry out disease analysis to form a set of scientific and perfect governance programs and started the careful management in the past year. First, the causes of disease According to the Provincial Bureau of Coal Geology to provide “Engineering Geological Drilling Report” and the Chongqing Academy of Coal Science, “Geological Radar Exploration Report,” the results of the analysis, experts generally believe that the Tonshan tunnel coal mined area affected by external influence Deformation displacement, is a tunnel disease
本文引用70年代以来的新资料,进一步证实淮阳山字型前弧的客观存在,补充了对前弧的认识,并根据矿产勘查成果,阐述了山字型前弧对内生金属矿床形成的控制作用。 This paper q
“1920年8月间,陈独秀来信对我说,北京只有李大钊和你可以谈建党的事。当时北京的党员,就是李大钊和我两个人。陈独秀还来信商议,叫共产党,还是叫社会党?没有定。后来,维经斯基(共产国际代表)说,还是叫共产党。我们同意了。”这是张申府在上世纪七十年代,接待中共党史编撰者时的回忆。  张申府,中共早期创建人之一。他介绍了周恩来、朱德等加入共产主义运动。他是中国罗素研究的第一人,他是《新青年》杂志的编委
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