Detection of hepatitis B virus genotypes using oligonucleotide chip among hepatitis B virus carriers

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lingdianbingdu
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AIM: To determine the genotype distribution of hepatitis B virus (HBV) with a newly oligonucleotide chip assay among the HBV carriers in Eastern China. METHODS: An assay using oligonucleotide chip was developed for detection of HBV genotypes in serum samples from HBV DNA-positive patients in Eastern China. This method is based on the principle of reverse hybridization with Cy5-labeled amplicons hybridizing to type-specific oligonucleotide probes that are immobilized on slides. The results of 80 randomly chosen sera were confirmed by direct sequencing. RESULTS: HBV genotype B, C and mixed genotype were detected in 400 serum samples, accounting fo 8.3% (n = 33), 83.2% (n = 333), and 8.5% (n = 34) respectively. The evaluation of the oligonucleotide assay showed 100% concordance with the amplicon phylogenetic analysis except 9 mixed genotype infections undetected by sequencing. CONCLUSION: The study indicates that HBV genotype C and B prevail in the Eastern China. It is suggested tha the oligonucleotide chip is a reliable and convenient too for the detection of HBV genotyping. AIM: To determine the genotype distribution of hepatitis B virus (HBV) with a newly oligonucleotide chip assay among the HBV carriers in Eastern China. METHODS: An assay using oligonucleotide chip was developed for detection of HBV genotypes in serum samples from HBV DNA-positive patients in Eastern China. This method is based on the principle of reverse hybridization with Cy5-labeled amplicons hybridizing to type-specific oligonucleotide probes that are immobilized on slides. RESULTS: 80 randomly chosen sera were confirmed by direct sequencing. The evaluation of the oligonucleotide assay showed that 100% of the serum was detected in 400 serum samples, accounting fo 8.3% (n = 33), 83.2% (n = 333), and 8.5% Concordance with the amplicon phylogenetic analysis except 9 mixed genotype infections undetected by sequencing. CONCLUSION: The study indicates that HBV genotype C and B prevail in the Eastern China. It is suggested tha the o ligonucleotide chip is a reliable and convenient too for the detection of HBV genotyping.
多花一点儿时间来陪伴你的孩子,而不要让时间从手指间轻易溜走,在不经意之间忽略了人间最珍贵的亲情。孩子在成长的阶段,十分需要父母的关爱,不仅体现在物质的给予,更重要的是心理的沟通,真诚走进孩子的内心世界,你会发现孩子更加可亲可爱。  用上所有的力量  星期六上午,一个小男孩在他的玩具沙箱里玩耍。沙箱里有他的一些玩具:小汽车、敞篷货车、塑料铲子和塑料水桶等。在松软的沙堆上修建公路和隧道时,他在沙箱的中
“那时候,我和乡亲们都住在土窑里,睡在土炕上,乡亲们生活十分贫困,经常是几个月吃不到一块肉。我了解乡亲们最需要什么……”在国事访美第一站西雅图,习近平主席在演讲中提及他年轻时在陕西梁家河村下乡的经历与感受。  这是一个关于成长的故事:一个抱负远大的中国青年,从中国的最底层开始,亲身体验民生之艰,立志寻找变革之道。这个故事也提示世人,在对生活有深刻理解之前,不要总认为自己能替他人作出更英明的决定。 
父母作为孩子的第一任老师,有责任、有义务协助学校、老师做好有效的教育补充,教育不只体现在学习上,更重要体现在对孩子能力、性格的培养,家庭就是教育孩子如何做人的地方,父母就是子女如何做人的榜样!作为孩子,正处在生长发育阶段,他学到的东西不只是一些正面的、积极的东西,同时也有一些反面的、消极的因素,只有正确引导,学会适当放手,把握好教育这门艺术,才能使我们的孩子能够顺利开启未来的成功之门!  现在的孩
备课作为课堂教学前的一项准备工作,对课堂教学效果与教学质量具有重要的影响。作为课堂预设的关键方法,教师在备课的过程中必须对文本进行准确把握,另外还应将教学思路进行整理。因此教师必须完善备课环节,将备课的效果充分体现出来。然而部分新上任的农村教师对于备课的重要性未形成正确的认识,导致教学质量下降。因此,必须采取相应措施来提升农村小学语文教师的备课能力。  一、农村小学语文教师备课时存在的问题  现阶
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美国的一项最新研究发现,早熟女孩更可能出现叛逆行为,比如,在学校打架、逃课以及离家出走等。  美国阿拉巴马大学研究人员对美国3个城市的2600个11~16岁的女孩进行了跟踪调查。其中,16%的女孩月经初潮时不到11岁。结果发现,这些女孩更可能出现叛逆行为,比如,在学校打架、逃课以及离家出走等。研究项目负责人希尔维亚·马鲁格博士表示,该调查尽可能减少家庭收入等其他因素的影响,但结果仍显示,女孩进入青