湖南省人民政府办公厅 湖南省军区司令部贯彻《国务院办公厅、中央军委办公厅关于志愿兵、义务兵退出现役到地方工作后工资待遇问题的通知》的通知

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《国务院办公厅、中央军委办公厅关于志愿兵、义务兵退出现役到地方工作后工资待遇问题的通知》(国办发[1987]17号)已印发各地区、各部门。现结合我省实际情况,提出以下具体实施意见,请遵照执行。一、志愿兵转业、义务兵退伍到我省地方工作后的工资待遇,均执行所在单位现行工资制度和工资标准。对分配当工人的,在初次确定其工资时,应按不低于本单位现岗位同工种、同工龄大多数工人工资水平的原则确定。为便于掌握,可按附表所规定的工资标准执行。对军龄和参军前的工龄在15年以上(含15年)的人员,按照上述 “Notice of the General Office of the State Council and the General Office of the Central Military Commission about the Wages and Wages on Volunteers and Compulsory Service after Withdrawing from Active Service to Local Work” (Guo Ban Fa [1987] No. 17) All regions and departments have been issued. Now with the actual situation in our province, put forward the following specific implementation advice, please follow the implementation. First, the volunteers to work, volunteers to retired to work in our province after the local wages, the implementation of the current unit’s current wage system and wage standards. When allocating workers, the initial determination of their wages shall be based on the principle of not less than the wage level of the same type of work and the majority of workers of the same length of service in the current post. To facilitate the grasp, according to the schedule of the wage standards. For military service and before joining the army, those who have worked for more than 15 years (including 15 years), as mentioned above
文章利用装备边际性能递减规律,探讨了武器装备发展过程中经费资源的分配问题,并对优化武器装备经费支出结构进行了理论分析。 In this paper, the diminishing rule of the
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你区一九八三年九月二十二日请示报告收悉。同意撤销吴忠县,恢复吴忠市(县级),以吴忠县的行政区域为吴忠市的行政区域。 Your district received your report on September
各区、县人民政府,市府直属各单位: 市政府根据市房管局房管发[1987]177号文关于对《广州市城镇房屋和用地登记办法》(穗府办(1987]38号)第七条内容需修改的意见,经研究,同