3-D velocity structure of P wave in the upper mantle beneath southwestern China and its adjacent are

来源 :Acta Seismologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zxh0532
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3-D velocity structure of P wave in the upper mantle beneath southwestern China and its adjacent areas (10°N -36°N, 70°E-110°E) down to the depth of 400 km has been studied by using 80 974 P-wave first arrival times recorded at 165 stations from 7 053 events both within the studying areas, selected from the ISC bulletin and the Bulletin of China and NEIC fundamental seismic network. With a resolution of grid spacing of 2°x2°, the velocity heterogeneity on the horizontal profile is obvious though it attenuates with the depth increasing. On the vertical profiles of velocity along the latitude of 16°N and 24°N, the collision and extrusion of India plate to Eurasia plate is displayed, and a remarkable velocity difference between India plate and Eurasia plate is shown. In the vertical profile along the longitude of 90°E, the subducting of India plate northward beneath Eurasia plate (Tibet plateau) is also obvious. On the horizontal profile at the depth of 90 km, a slow velocity stripe from Myitkyina, Myanmar to Donghai, Vietnam seems to be related to Honghe fault belt. An illustration method of describing the resolution more directly and exactly has been proposed and utilized in this paper. 3-D velocity structure of P wave in the upper mantle beneath southwestern China and its adjacent areas (10 ° N -36 ° N, 70 ° E-110 ° E) down to the depth of 400 km has been studied by using 80 974 P-wave first arrival times recorded at 165 stations from 7 053 events both within the studying areas, selected from the ISC bulletin and the Bulletin of China and NEIC fundamental seismic network. With a resolution of grid spacing of 2 ° x2 °, the velocity On the vertical profiles of velocity along the latitude of 16 ° N and 24 ° N, the collision and extrusion of India plate to Eurasia plate is displayed, and a remarkable velocity In the vertical profile along the longitude of 90 ° E, the subducting of India plate northward beneath Eurasia plate (Tibet plateau) is also obvious. On the horizontal profile at the depth of 90 km, a slow velocity str ipe from Myitkyina, Myanmar to Donghai, Vietnam seems to be related to Honghe fault belt. An illustration method describing describing the resolution more directly and exactly has been proposed and utilized in this paper.
采掘工程平面图是煤矿生产必备的基础资料之一 ,而其绘制目前仍处于手工阶段。为了实现煤矿矿山测量的标准化和自动化 ,本文讨论了采掘工程平面图的自动绘制系统的设计 ,并以 Auto CAD为平台开发研制了采掘工程平面图自动绘制系统。
空间信息互操作是不同部门和系统间信息的交换 ,是空间信息系统集成和信息共享的基础。不同部门采用不同的系统软件 ,应用不同的数据结构和数据模型 ,这源于不同学科由不同的认知和规则 ,以及不同的软件生产厂家的内部数据结构和类型的不同。提出空间信息互操作模型 ,从不同层次实现空间信息的互操作 ,包括资源发现层、资源转换层、应用服务层、语义层和机构层。空间信息可以在不同层次上进行互操作 ,以实现不同程度的
对数字化测图中地物表示的直角性、平行性、共线性特点进行分析 ,基于控制测量的导线理论 ,给出了用微导线法处理的公式和方法。
介绍了在地铁施工过程中 ,应用隧道监控量测技术 ,为设计和施工提供及时正确的量测信息 ,确定设计及修正参数 ,使施工进入动态化管理 ,及时、正确决策 ,确保安全。
简述了国家基础地理信息数据库建库工程在国民经济建设和“数字地球”构筑中的重要意义 ,介绍了建库工程的总体设计和可行性试验、管理机制、质量控制、技术方案以及国家基础地理信息数据库的应用前景。
在对水准标尺尺长及其温度系数的标定与研究中发现 ,杠杆连接式精密水准标尺由于受杠杆组件中摩擦力矩的影响 ,其尺长和温度系数的测值不仅与温度有关 ,而且与温度变化的动态过程密切相关。造成同一温度状态下尺长的测值差异较大的主要原因 ,不在其测定装置 ,而是源于标尺本身的结构缺陷 ,因此杠杆连接式水准标尺不宜在高精度要求的测量工程中使用。
介绍用扫描矢量化方式和矢量化软件 Geo Scan生产符合 GIS要求的数字地图的作业程序和技术方法。