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钢框架内填预制钢筋混凝土剪力墙结构是新型混合式结构,由钢框架与内填墙组成双重防线,具有良好的抗侧力能力,同时预制构配件和预制装配建筑有利于推动住宅产业化发展.考虑大尺寸内填预制RC墙运输和安装困难的情况,提出竖向和横向组合式钢框架内填RC墙结构,采用ABAQUS建立有限元模型进行结构受力分析.通过分析荷载位移曲线,构件应力分布和变形情况,研究结构破坏特点和受力性能.结果表明,全螺栓结构因其合理的传力路径,有良好的承载力和延性;竖向组合式具有较好的初始刚度和整体承载力,与全螺栓连接预制RC墙有近似的受力性能,便于运输和安装;而横向组合式由于上下板缺乏有效传力路径,初始刚度和最终承载力都明显低于全螺栓和竖向组合式,不利于实际工程应用. Steel frame filled with precast reinforced concrete shear wall structure is a new hybrid structure consisting of steel frame and wall filled with dual defense line, has a good lateral ability, while prefabricated parts and prefabricated building is conducive to promoting the industrialization of housing Development Considering the difficulty of transportation and installation of prefabricated RC walls with large size, this paper puts forward the RC wall structure filled with vertical and horizontal composite steel frames and the finite element model of ABAQUS for structural stress analysis.Based on the analysis of load-displacement curves, The stress distribution and the deformation of the member are studied to study the structural failure characteristics and the mechanical properties of the bolt.The results show that the full bolt structure has good bearing capacity and ductility due to its reasonable force transmission path.The vertical combination has better initial stiffness and overall Bearing capacity, and full bolted prefabricated RC wall has similar force performance, easy to transport and install; and transverse combination of the upper and lower plate due to the lack of effective force transmission path, the initial stiffness and ultimate bearing capacity are significantly lower than the full bolt and vertical Combined, is not conducive to practical engineering applications.
妈妈临走的时候说,你是哥哥,哄妹妹睡着了以后再睡哦。  爸爸临走的时候说,你是主人,照看好豆豆和沙沙再睡啊。  他们一起说:你已经长大了,要好好看家。  我使劲点头。  你们放心地去照顾爷爷吧。我也一定照顾好妹妹、豆豆和沙沙,照顾好房子里所有的角落。我会像个尽职的主人,等所有的人都睡着了,才去睡。  我走进妹妹的小屋,妹妹还没有睡。  “哥哥,临睡前,妈妈都会给我讲一个故事。”妹妹说。  我坐在妹
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喳喳喳,喳喳喳,喜鹊妈妈在伤心地叫着。“妈妈,你看喜鹊妈妈多么伤心哪!”小狐狸对妈妈说。“让她哭吧,这个该死的扫帚星。”狐 Cha Cha, Cha Cha, magpie mother shouted s
结合大庆市政府人防工程中预应力锚索施工,探索了预应力锚索的主要施工工艺,并就可能出现的一些问题进行了分析,提出了预防措施。 Combined with the prestressed anchor ca