Gongcheng Persimmon Loaded withFelicity

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  A Yao ethnic enclave with long history
  Among counties of Guilin City, time-honored history and distinctive ethnic customs enable Gongcheng Yao Autonomous County to be a shining tourist spot in Guangxi. Over 1,300 years of history leaves over certain cultural relics and historical sites in Gongcheng Yao Autonomous County, like the renowned and magnificent ancient architectural complex, “three temples and one hall”. Three temples refer to Wen Temple, Wu Temple and Zhouwei Temple, respectively, while one hall refers to Hunan Guild Hall. Those ancient constructions of Gongcheng preserve the atmosphere of primitive simplicity and heavy sense of history, presenting the unique charm of a Lingnan ancient county.
  Except strong historical flavor, minority folk-custom is another attractive point of Gongcheng. Yao people are the main habitants, yet there are other 11 ethnic groups, including Han, Zhuang, Miao, Dong and Hui. After continuous migrations, Yao people have experienced the fusion and adaption to make them be expansive and enthusiastic when they live with other ethnic groups, thus, Gongcheng becomes a cultural container displaying fascinating customs of Chinese ethnic minorities.
  The hometown of tasted persimmons
  Gongcheng Yao Autonomous County is known as “the hometown of Chinese persimmons” with an over-400-year history of planting persimmons. According to historical records, persimmon trees were introduced from Shao’an of Fujian Province to Gongcheng in the Ming Dynasty governed by Emperor Zhu Yijun (1563-1620). In 1937, the persimmon formally became a popular local specialty because its annual yield reached around 150 thousand kilograms being worth RMB 40,000 yuan
  Gongcheng persimmon owns beautiful appearance and bright color with a crispy and delicious taste. Because of being rich in tannins, vitamins, dietary fiber and potassium, Gongcheng persimmon is a nutritious fruit that improves human immunity and the permeability of blood vessel, as well as lowering blood pressure for preventing cardiovascular diseases. Those benefits allow Gongcheng persimmon to appear in people’s daily life frequently in a variety of forms.
  The geographical advantages of Gongcheng provide a proper environment for planting persimmons, and through thousands of years of natural evolution and growers’ painstaking efforts, a series of related productions, such as dried persimmon, persimmon pie, persimmon leaf tea and persimmon wine, obtain a higher market recognition, ultimately, Gongcheng becomes the largest national persimmon production base. Planting persimmon is not only a vital source of growers’ incomes, but also a booster who advances the growth of agriculture, manufacturing industry and cultural tourism.   Currently, the land used for planting persimmon trees achieves 195,800  mu with the yield of 515,800 ton, meanwhile, many fresh fruits and related products have been exported to the overseas market. That proves the persimmon has weighed overwhelmingly heavy on people’s life and turns into a cultural icon of Gongcheng.
  Planting persimmon is not only a vital source of growers’ incomes, but also a booster who advances the growth of agriculture, manufacturing industry and cultural tourism.
  The processing techniques of dried persimmon
  ■ Step one: picking and selecting fresh and matured persimmons, which have similar sizes and good shape without scab, insect holes and deformities
  ■ Step two: cleaning and peeling
  ■ Step three: insolating, repeatedly pressing and pinching
  ■ Step four: removing puckery
  ■ Step five: insolating and pinching for forming the shape
  ■ Step two: finalizing the shape and storing for making persimmons glaucescent
  ■ Step seven: packaging dried persimmon on basis of different qualities and quantities
  Lively Gongcheng Persimmons Festival conveying the blessing
  Persimmon is considered as a mascot who brings wealth and happiness to Gongcheng residents, hence, the locals held the Gongcheng Persimmons Festival for expressing the joy of harvest and delivering their blessing. Held in every October, Gongcheng Persimmons Festival provides opportunities for Yao people who show their talents of singing and dancing.
  During the Festival, diverse celebrations organized by the indigenous, for example, dragon and lion dances, characteristic art shows performed in the community, acrobatic performances and cultural creation competition, embody gorgeous folk art and their cultural identities, strengthening cultural pride and social cohesion of the public. Those events are indulgences for Gongcheng people and also witness that the locals work hard to create a felicitous life with their own physical labors. In recent years, Gongcheng Persimmons Festival becomes a channel by which local residents can output tasted fruits, enchanting scenery and fascinating ethnic customs, and comers can have compelling travelling to realize different regional cultures and customs. That is why the cultural tourism of Gongcheng has experienced great improvement.
  Over the past 15 years, Gongcheng has been an ideal sightseeing spot in autumn due to the enormous influence of Gongcheng Persimmons Festival. The rapid progress of high-speed train enables tourists to conveniently join in the Festival where visitors can interact with local people and explore the Yao culture deeply. It is undoubted that Gongcheng persimmon is deemed as a postman delivering fortune and happiness to Yao people, who in turn convey the blessing and expectation by dint of every sweet persimmon.
  It is undoubted that Gongcheng persimmon is deemed as a postman delivering fortune and happiness to Yao people, who in turn convey the blessing and expectation by dint of every sweet persimmon.
“暮春者,春服既成,冠者五六人,童子六七人,浴乎沂,风乎舞雩,咏而归。”——《论语·先进》  农历三月三,中华民族的传统节日,古称上巳节。源于古人暮春时节在河边沐浴,兴起于商周,盛行于汉代,从魏晋六朝至唐代,演变为郊野春游,曲水流觞,赋诗唱歌。宋代以后,三月三继续流传,在道教,演变为真武大帝的寿诞,在各地与民俗汇合,演变为寒食节、清明节、情人节、歌节。  在众多的三月三节庆中,以广西壮族歌圩最为典
农歷的三月初三,是传说中壮族创世师祖布洛陀的诞辰,也是壮族人民最隆重的节日。在古代,壮族的青年男女们会在这一天欢聚在一起,对酒当歌,以歌会友,以歌传情。还要在三月三这一天大摆宴席,踏青祭祖,一道道三月三特有的壮乡风味摆上餐桌,艾叶粑粑、竹筒饭、五色糯米饭……用最简单的食材,最纯天然的做法,做出最浓壮乡风味。  艾叶粑粑 尝一口春天的味道  每年的三月三正值清明前后,春风细雨拂过山间田野,最鲜嫩的艾
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澜沧江-湄公河流域国家山水相连,90多个民族依河而居,尽管各国的历史、语言、风俗和信仰各具特色,建筑、风情、服饰与文化各不相同,但他们却饱含同样的热情去庆祝一个共同的节日——泼水节。与泰国、柬埔寨、缅甸及其他东南亚国家一样,老挝的泼水节也在每年公历的4月13~15日(或14~16日)。  泼水节期间,因各国传统与自然条件各异,他们的庆祝方式也别具一格。看老挝庆祝泼水节,能深切地感受到老挝人民崇佛尚
Geographical world is considered as an epitome of the earth, but also a window that people have an understanding of natural science and cultural customs in depth. In Luocheng Mulao Autonomous County,
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时光不负海口,以无尽的奇美风光相赠,但海口又何曾辜负过时光,千百年来,这座人文之城的清浅足迹、深沉烙印全被那蔚蓝深海认真封存,装订成册。来者若有心了解,只需直面清风海浪,聆听它们深情的吟唱。  中央广播电视台推出的《航拍中国》所拍的《海南》中,第一站就介绍了海口骑楼老街:骑楼商业街,一楼是店铺,二楼以上是人们居住的地方。因建筑的一部分突出外面,像人骑跨在上面,因此得名骑楼。  骑楼作为一种外廊式的