
来源 :农业科学实验 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dongwinder
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杀蚜素,系浙江省农科院农业微生物所研制的成果之一,也是中央农牧渔业部1983年示范推广的重大科研成果。它是一种链霉菌的胞内抗生素,为触杀性杀虫剂。产品是0.4%的水剂,强碱性,贮藏二年不失效。可用来防治各种蚜虫和 To kill aphids, Department of Agricultural Sciences, Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Microbiology developed one of the results, but also the Central Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries demonstration and promotion of major scientific research achievements in 1983. It is an intracellular antibiotic of Streptomyces and is a contact insecticide. 0.4% of the product is a liquid agent, strong alkaline, stored for two years without failure. Can be used to control a variety of aphids and
棘禾草螟(Chilo hyrax Bleszynski)在我省分布面广,危害时间长,对芦苇所造成的损失大。1981-1983年,我们在芦苇收割时调查,棘禾草螟的被害株率均在90%以上,从5月上旬起,到11
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车窗外寒风肆虐,车内却温暖得让人禁不住大声歌颂生活,再放上一段《汽车消费报告》推荐的恬静音乐,在冬天,就连堵车都变得可爱起来。 Cold winds raging outside the window