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为了搞好油桐选优工作,尽快实现油桐生产良种化,加速我省油桐基地的建设,我所在溧水县林业局的大力支持下,于4月23日至25日在该县召开了油桐花期选优现场会议.出席这次会议的有高淳、溧水、溧阳、句容、江宁等五个油桐基地县的代表共14人.会议首先参观了渔歌公社傅家边大队林业队在现有3000亩壮龄油桐林内初步选出的12株油桐优树现场,然后按照全国油桐科技协作组规定的选优标准,逐株进行互评,同时交流了各县油桐选优工作经验. In order to do a good job Tung Tung excellent work as soon as possible to achieve the production of tung tree seed production and accelerate the construction of Tung Oil Base in our province, Lishui County Forestry Bureau with the strong support of the April 23 to April 25 in the county held an oil At the meeting, there were 14 delegates from five Tung-Tung counties including Gaochun, Lishui, Liyang, Jurong and Jiangning, etc. At the meeting, they first visited the forestry team of Fuji Biennabat There are 3000 acres of tung oil tung tree forest initially selected 12 Tung tree excellent site, and then in accordance with the national Tung Tung Science and Technology Cooperation Group set the selection criteria for each peer review, at the same time exchange of the county Tung Tung excellent work experience.
多少天来,我们的眼睛一次次被痛惜的泪水浸满着;我们的情感一次次被爱心的潮水撞击着;我们的心灵一次次被感动的海洋包围着…… How many days have passed, our eyes have
在错误教学理念的指导下,很多初中数学教师无法创建真正有效、高质量的数学课堂。分享了教学经验,希望能促进广大教师的共同进步。 Under the misguided teaching philosoph
“送给你的、’ ”什么东西啊?’ “e一Book.我认识经销商,8折关两个,这个是你的’打开看啊.我写了封e一mail给你,’ 这是电影(绝世好Bra)中的对,男设计师迫求女主人翁的镜失
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打造新课改模式下全新的化学课堂是所有化学教育工作者值得不断探索的问题。针对以上问题进行了认真的思考。 To create a new chemistry class under the new curriculum r