An Observational and Modeling Study of Extratropical Transition of Hurricane Sandy in 2012

来源 :Journal of Ocean University of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ebayka
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Around 30 October 2012, Hurricane Sandy made landfall along the New Jersey shoreline after its completion of extratropical transition and transformation into an extratropical cyclone. The strong gale induced a catastrophic storm surge, and caused 72 death and damage of more than $50 billion. In this paper, the evolutionary process and spatial structure of the Hurricane Sandy during its extratropical transition were investigated by using Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF) version 3.3.1 modeling results and National Center for Environmental Prediction(NCEP) Coupled Forecast System model version 2 reanalysis datasets(CFSv2). It is found that during the upper-level trough interaction on 29 October, Sandy gradually fused with a pre-existing mid-latitude low-pressure system, and finished the re-intensification. WRF modeling results showed that the second peak occurred mainly due to the enhanced vertical motion, reduced vertical wind shear as well as the supplement of potential vorticity resulting from trough interaction over the southeast of Great Lakes. The cold continental air from the back of trough was encircled within the warm core system cyclonically, forming the characteristic of warm seclusion. Around 30 October 2012, Hurricane Sandy made landfall along the New Jersey shoreline after its completion of extratropical transition and transformation into an extratropical cyclone. The strong gale induced a catastrophic storm surge, and caused 72 death and damage of more than $ 50 billion. In this paper, the evolutionary process and spatial structure of the Hurricane Sandy during its extratropical transition were investigated by using Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) version 3.3.1 modeling results and National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Coupled Forecast System model version 2 reanalysis datasets (CFSv2). It is found that during the upper-level trough interaction on 29 October, Sandy gradually fused with a pre-existing mid-latitude low-pressure system, and finished the re-intensification. WRF modeling results showed that the second peak occurred mainly due to the enhanced vertical motion, reduced vertical wind shear as well as the supplement of potential vorticity r esulting from trough interaction over the southeast of Great Lakes. The cold continental air from the back of trough was encircled within the warm core system cyclonically, forming the characteristic of warm seclusion.
摘 要:新课程改革背景下,高中生物教师要遵循主体性原则、启发性原则、问题性原则、互动性原则,通过问题情境的创设,生活案例的融入等手段,构建启发式的生物教学课堂,全面提高教学的效果。  关键词:高中生物;启发式教学;原则;对策  在新课改革背景下,传统的高中生物教学模式,难以满足生物学科发展、学生自主发展以及现代教育改革的需要。这就要求教师在现代高中生物的教学中,应当立足新时代的教育思想,结合学生的
【摘要】赏识教育是生命的教育,是爱的教育,是充满人情味、富有生命力的教育。赏识教育能够使人产生成就感和满足感,而成就感和满足感会进一步激发学生的工作和学习的热情,从而形成良性循环。作为一名教育工作者掌握好赏识教育这门艺术就显得至关重要。  【关键词】赏识教育 艺术性 尊重 肯定  【中图分类号】G71【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2016)03-0031-01  詹姆士在《书信
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